"this is destiny." she introduced violet to the girl before turning to the girl. "and this–" she said, pointing at violet. "–is violet."

"hi, violet!" greeted destiny. "come sit." she said, patting the seat next to her.

"sure." violet smiled politely and sat down on the seat.

"okay." said miss jenny clapping her hands. "i'll leave you girlies to chit-chat." she then turned around and went back to the door to greet some parents.

"you know, violet." said destiny trailing off. "your hair is really ugly."

violet was shocked. that was a really rude thing to say!

"that's really rude, destiny!" violet said with her mouth agape, grabbing her hair subconsciously. "i'm telling the teacher!" she started slowly sliding off my seat.

"go ahead." destiny told her with her eyebrows raised as if daring her to.

"are you not scared that the teacher might tell your ma?" violet asked, surprised.

destiny laughed loudly.

"the teacher is my mom, silly!"

"so what? that doesn't mean you can say my hair is ugly! that's rude!"

"and you know what else is ugly, violet? your clothes! and your face." she laughed like a villain in a superhero movie, clutching her stomach.

a little girl who was about two shades lighter than violet came over to where violet and destiny were sitting, putting her hands on her hips. "what's going on here?"

"destiny is saying that i'm ugly!"

the young girl gasped. "destiny, why you so mean to everyone? you ain't gon' have friends if you not nice."

"i will have friends; just not ugly people like you two." destiny said sticking out her tongue at them.

violet and the girl gasped and just when violet was about to reply to destiny's rude remark, the girl pulled her arm and lead her to her desk before patting the chair next to hers as if asking violet to sit next to her.

"don't worry about destiny." she said while grabbing the color blue to finish the drawing that was set in front of her. "she was mean to me this morning too, but i decided to just sit here and not talk to her." she continued, before pulling out a coloring sheet and passing it on to violet.

"thanks." violet politely took the coloring sheet.

"you welcome. my name is daisy, by the way. what's yours?"


"violet's a cute name!" exclaimed daisy.

"thanks, daisy is nice too."

"thank you." she said before continuing with her coloring.

violet was almost done with her second coloring sheet and daisy was almost done with her third when they heard a bell ring.

"it's time for recess, young ones!" said miss jenny as all the kids went running out of the class and to the playground.

"let's go to the swings!" suggested daisy. violet agreed.

they sat on both swings before noticing destiny making her way to them with a group of children trailing behind her.

"what are you ugly kids doing on my swings?" she said crossing her arms with a mean look on her face.

"no need to be so rude, destiny! i'm gon' to tell my mama." said daisy, obviously annoyed about how destiny wouldn't just let it go and move on like normal people would.

"tell your mom, i don't care." she said before sticking her tongue out at them. she turned to the group of kids, giving them a wink.

next thing violet knew, the kids were shouting and running towards her and daisy before attacking them.

"hey, hey, now kids, what's going on?" they heard a lady say.

violet froze.

time to put my acting in action, she thought.

"th– they." she stuttered before breaking into sobs. "they hit us– us and–" she sniffled. "–we didn't ev– even do anything to th– them."

"aw little kiddos, follow me to my office." said the lady offering them a hand before leading them to her office.

"now tell me." she began, the moment she was seated behind her large brown desk. violet and daisy sat in the two brown leather chairs that were put in front of it. "what happened?"

"destiny called me and violet ugly." cried daisy.

"well, i will immediately talk to destiny and her mother!" said the lady smiling and ruffling daisy's hair.

"you kids can call me mrs. kayla." smiled the lady.

violet and daisy smiled at mrs. kayla and were then dismissed from her office.

once they were outside, daisy looked at violet and started laughing.

"she gon' get suspended." laughed daisy.

"i hope!" violet giggled.

"you know, violet." said daisy smiling. "you a really nice person. we should be bffs. best friends forever!" she shouted excitingly.

"yeah, i would like that. best friends forever?" violet said, offering her pinkie so they can share a pinkie promise.

"best friends forever." daisy nodded, her pinkie intertwining with violet's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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