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Hey Guys I'm Back!

Hermione woke to find herself in a hospital bed. She looked around and saw Draco sitting on the grey chair next to her with a worried look on his face. She had a sudden vision of Narcissa running at her with a wand. She tried to move herself up on the bed but sunk down again due to the sudden pain in her side. She winced and Draco moved closer to help her. Hermione moved away scared.

draco looked down with a sorry expression.

"What happened Draco! I was meant to have a nice dinner with you mother and she ran at me with a pointed wand and now I in St Mungos! Want to explain yourself?" Hermione asked in a demanding yet damaged tone. Draco sighed.

"I had no idea why my mother ran at you like that but you were bleeding so I went to try to help you and my mum disapparated. I came here to ask for help because I could not heal you myself," He stopped and drew in a shaky breath, "They said you were extremely unstable and they would have to keep you in the hospital for a while until you regained conciousness. I went home that night and stormed into the house and demanded the answer of my mother. She showed me this letter she had received from a mysterious sender." He said and handed the letter to Hermione. She took the letter from the blonde's hand and began to read.

Dear Mrs Malfoy,

It has come to my attention that Draco has been behaving usually at Hogwarts. He seems to be running around after an unnamed muggle born. This fondness has appeared alarmingly quickly and is very extreme. I have these reasons to believe that magical influences have been put in place to effect Mr Malfoy in such a way. My theory is a disturbing yet seemingly true. I do not have the evidence to prove the use of magic to infule Mr Malfoy but I sencerely hope you will take caution when it comes to Miss Granger.

Yours Sincerely,


Hermione finished reading the letter and looked up with a shocked expression at Draco. She looked like she was going to burst. Draco prepared himself for the worst.


"Wait, 'she'? You know who they are?" Hermione let out a breath and Draco saw the red colour begin to dissapear from her face.

"Well of course, someone who is a coward as they didn't come straight to tell Narcissa face-to-facr. They are also in our school as we found out in the letter." Hermione stopped to think, "Coward and in Hogwarts and has an obssesion with you. Okay, Slytherin and likes Draco Malfoy. Can you guess who it is, now?" Hermione finished giving Draco a sarcastic look. Draco raised his eyebrow at the suggestion of him being stupid.

"So you think its, Pansy?" Draco said slowly nervous of getting it wrong as Hermione looked like she couldn't make it any clearer.

"Yep, and when I get my hands on her..." Hermione said muttering to herself making Draco feel really quite scared. Thank god the nurse had said she would have to stay in the hospital for another 2 days. Draco left that night, wodnering whether he should go to confront Pansy or not. He decided he would.

The next day,

Draco left his dorm and headed for the Great Hall. His mother had refused him any more days off school to see Hermione. To be honest, he was actually quite happy. It would give him a chance to confront Pansy before Hermione did something that would earn her and Pansy a one way ticket to Askaban. He picked up an apple on his way to the Slytherin table. He automatically saw Pansy fix her shirt and tie. Draco kept a blank face and tried not to show his anger to the wrech in front of him.

"Pansy?" Draco asked making eye contact with her, "Can I talk to you a minute." Pansy smiled happily but this just mad Draco even more angry. She got up quickly and followed Draco out. Once they were out of the room, Draco closed in on her.

"Why did you send that letter to my mum?" Draco asked angrily, expecting an answer straight away.

"What letter?" Pansy said twirling her hair around her finger.

"Don't play dumb Pansy!" Draco raised his voice slightly and saw the fear in Pansy's eyes. "I know it was you and now Hermione's in hospital!"

Pansy shrunk slightly at the change of tone.

"I-I... I was scared! You became fond of that mudb- muggle born really quickly. It worried me. I thought Narcissa needed to know."

"Don't play innocent with me. I know why you did it. Well it didn't work. Hermione's fine and my mother accepts her. So your plan failed."

He was pretty calm after saying all of his worries. So he stopped and walked away.

Pansy smiled as she saw him walk away from her.

"It's not over yet." She said finally and walked away, smirking.

Dun Dun Dun! I'm excited. What's going to happen next?! I guess we'll find out if I upload ever again. I'm sorry about the lateness of this chapter but I wrote like 1,000 words like a week ago but I forgot to save it and my computer switched off and so I lost all of my work. Sorry about that. Anyway. Review and Fan and all that.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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