I was glad my parents were away for the weekend. I had finally talked Alice into attending college, so she was spending the weekend away to do research.

We made it down stairs again and we sat down to watch frozen. It was a battle to pick a movie and in the end I chose a movie I could tolerate without wanting to rip my hair out. I still hadn't managed to have my first coffee for the day and I was seriously considering taking up smoking to ebb away the stress.

Now I finally made it to the kitchen for my caffeine fix as Athena was crying and screaming saying she didn't want this movie. I cleaned up the glass, when I was done it was strangely silent. Silence was never a good thing with children. I walked into the lounge to see Athena sitting with my brothers collectors edition game figures, she'd broken the sword off of the man in a cape and I cringed.

"Athena!" I yelled she jumped and looked up at me guiltily.

"My brother did it." She remarked.

I glared at her and gave her my scolding mummy look, she looked at me with wide eyes and her lip started to tremble. I didn't tell her off like this often, I never really had to, these horrid days were the only time.

"M-mama?" She whimpered.

"No . Athena. This is not acceptable. This behaviour is not acceptable."

She looked like I had just burned her with a lighter. She put her head down and sniffed, her little black curls hid her golden eyes, which I'm sure were filled with tears. I wanted to take my words back, erase the thoughts I had about abortion. I felt, right now, like a horrible mother. I needed to tell her off though, she couldn't assume this behaviour was right and I needed to be mean and not her best friend, because the fact of this matter was I was not her friend, I was her mother which meant things like this had to happen.

She looked up at me, hurt shining in her eyes and tears down her cheeks. She looked like a wounded animal and she quickly stood up and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. I sat dejectedly on the couch and ran a hand through my hair. Athena's favourite part in the movie was coming up, the love is an open door song. I watched the part and thought about Athena. I love her to bits and no matter how many times I think life would be easier without her, I wouldn't change it for the world.

When she came back down the movie was almost finished, her head was down in shame,

"Ennie baby, come here." I softly called.

The little girl shuffled over to me and crawled into my lap with her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

"I'm sorry Mama." She whispered.

I pulled her back to look in her eyes and told her that she had to listen when I asked her to do things, not touch things she knows she's not supposed to and not to lie. I tried to keep it simple, short and sweet so she would understand and wouldn't get distracted.

She asked to watch Brave and we sat there for a whole hour before Athena was up and around again. Our talk completely forgotten about and she was up to no good once again. She said she needed to go toilet but I was sure that it didn't take 15 minutes for a child to do so. I gave Athena a little leeway, she does dawdle, but this long was too long. It didn't help that getting a business call extended that time too. I got up and ready to search for my daughter, who was undoubtedly up to trouble.

In child time 15 minutes, when causing trouble, is a lifetime. You shouldn't ever really take your eyes off them and I didn't forget this, but I thought we had come to an understanding about good behaviour.

I was wrong.

Another thing about children is that they seem to know all the things they are not allowed to get into and purposely do them just to drive you mad! The kind of mad that has you wanting to rip your hair out and rock back and forth in the corner of the room. I walked into the kitchen, where Athena knows she is not allowed to go. Her small four year old body had dragged a bag of flour out of some place, the bag was the same height as her!

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