Learning -Kakashi Hatake Lemon-

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This is my very first lemon. I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does. This is MY story. Please ask for permission

If you want to borrow my story. Thank You ^^


Sana Mitarashi

Age: 25

Looks: Black cloak ( like Anko's) a pair of forehead protectors and a blue shirt underneath her open cloak

With a raven blue hair and black onyx eyes. A ninja spandex shorts stitched with a shinobi sandals (like the akatsuki's pants with sandals).

She puts her hair in a long ponytail with a side bangs an a layer of small amount of hair flowing on her face. She had very large breast.

Personality: fun, caring, perverted, short tempered, and a knuckle head.

She is Anko's twin sister. (Not that much) she is stronger than her, in ninjutsu and genjutsu. She is madly in-love with Kakashi since their childhood.

She knew him more than anyone else. She is so confident during battles and missions. Don't even try to get her mad, she will put you to sleep in

A long time!


Anko and her sister, Sana is training the young genins in the Forest Of Death. The genins are really scared of Sana, because of her temper.

"Oi, Sana! You need to stop now. Im going to take your place to get you to rest." Anko suggested Sana for some rest.

"I will be there! Just let me finish my training with this brat first!" She shouted back at Anko.

"But you need rest now!" Anko replied getting worried. "Anko, please! A little consideration please!" She glared at Anko.

"Don't push yourself too hard sis. You had enough. Now let me handle the students." Anko said getting depressed.

"Fine. But, don't be mad at me later... You're gonna pay for interrupting me." Sana sighed.

Anko just rolled her eyes and train the students, while blabbering something to them.

'Now what is she talking now?' Sana thinks what Anko teaches the kids.

"Need any help there?"a familiar bored voice came through her ear.

"Kakashi? Is that you?" Sana asked curiously at the man.

Kakashi chuckled. "Yeah. Its me. Need any help Sana?" Sana blushed deep and froze. She knew she had a crush on him. But she cant really tell him.

She is just too shy. 'OMFG! HES OVER THERE ASKING YOU SOMETHING! ANSWER SOMETHING SANA!! ANSWER!!' She screamed at her head.

"Uhhh... Yeah. I did need some help." She answered nervously at him. "Well? What is it?" He flip another page on his book and asked her again.

"What I need.... Is....... Y-y-y-y-you.... I like you for a long time Kakashi, I really do. I understand if you don't feel the same. Im just stupid, thats all."

She nodded and blushed furiously of red. Kakashi frozed. 'Did she just said she loves me? I cant deny it now! GO KAKASHI! YOU CAN DO IT!'

Kakashi shouted in his head. "I-i like you too Sana. A very long time ago. Since we meet in the Academy. I really don't know how to tell you for

A long time, but now.... Its you who tell me. I love you very much Sana, I always do." She felt a tear roll on her red cheeks. She was very surprised for

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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