The Journey

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So this is a short story I've been working on for a little while. If you like it, let me know, if you dont, tell me how I could improve.                                                                    The Journey

Intro: “The Journey” is a story of how our main character, Jason, is taken from his home world, Lyrian which is a parallel universe, except they are still technologically in the middle ages. The story is set in present-day Seattle. Jason, was taken from Lyrian, one night when a man in the vast medieval population of Seattle, but this medieval organization is a highly-kept secret, and Jason is now in on this secret. In order to get home, he must find the man who brought him here, and expose the secret to the people of Seattle while doing it, so that this will never happen again.

I wake up in a strange place. I don’t recognize this, at all. My head feels as if someone has taken a hammer to my skull, I have a pounding headache, I realize I am laying down, I attempt to stand up. A sudden wave of nausea washes over me, forcing me to sit down and let it pass. After some time, I stand up, this time with more success. I very shakily walk around and survey my surroundings. I am in what looks like a cabin, there is a small kitchen, a couch and a few tables, several small windows, and one large one, to my left is a table, laden with various scraps of paper, pictures, and old food. I hobble over to the table, and see a picture of myself, along with two other things I recognize, my knife I made several years ago, and a picture of a man whom I do not recognize, but seems oddly familiar. This must be some sort of clue as to where I am. I look for anything else on the table, and I find a folded piece of paper, about the size of an ordinary letter, I unfold it and read the words “ Catch me if you can! I’ll be waiting”. I turn this over in my head. I am definetly not in Lyrian anymore. I decide it will be best not to stay in this cabin for long, so I want to depart immediately. First, I look around the house for anything that may be of use, I end up finding a fabric bag, with two straps to go around someone’s shoulders, I raid the kitchen and find several loaves of bread, and some meat in a box standing against the wall. I put the food in the bag, and throw it over my shoulder. after some further scavenging, I find an odd black metal tube, with a button on the shaft, and the words “MAGLITE” printed in silver lettering along one side. I press the button, and a beam of light shoots out of one side, this is a marvelous device! I decide to keep it with me, as it appears to be night time. I make my way to the door, and push it open, it does not comply at first, but it eventually opens with a loud squeak. I step out into the cold air, shut the door, and start walking down the pathway. I am in a forest, and the road is quite dark, so I get the MAGLITE device out of my pack and switch it on. The beam of light is somewhat comforting, as it dispels the darkness in front of me. After approximately 20 minutes of walking, I come to a gradual left turn and downhill slope. I continue on my way. I fail to see a large rock in front of me, and step on it, twisting my ankle, I tumble forward, unable to catch myself. I fall head first down the rest of the hill. Once I am at the bottom, I open my bag to see how much of my food was destroyed in the falling. Only about one-quarter of a loaf of bread is squished and virtually unusable, I decide to keep it anyways, should I come across a hungry animal. I slowly lift myself off the ground and assess my injuries, a possibly broken ankle, several cuts and scrapes, and I feel bruises forming on my stomach,arms and legs. I look around, and I am about 300 feet from a new road, I limp my way to the road, it is paved in a strange black material I have never seen before. I look left, then right, then left again. Nothing seems to be coming towards me in either direction, but I notice a green sign to my right that says “ SEATTLE 5 MILES” I look further down the road, and see the lights of a large city off in the distance. I decide I should go to this city,but before I do that, my stomach rumbles. I sit down next to the road and take out my food from my pack, the bread is in some sort of bag, I don’t question why, I just unwrap the bread and discover it is already sliced, this is amazing! I then proceed to take the meat out and put a few pieces between two slices of bread, I put the rest of my food back into the bag and continue walking, limping on my ankle occasionally. After what feels like several hours of walking, I get to the outskirts of this city. As I peer into this city, I see thousands upon thousands of extremely tall, strange buildings. I see a lake, with a semi-large fleet of boats docked. I decide if there is anywhere the man from the picture could be, it is most likely here. I walk the rest of the way into the city, to see the roads also paved in the strange black material I saw earlier. I walk along the side of one of the roads labeled “Main Street” with a green sign, I come to an intersection, and walk right through it.BAM. I forget the Number One rule of exploring strange places my father taught me, before he died. “Always survey your surroundings” He used to tell me when him and I would go on small adventures around our village when I was young. I only see a flash of lights before I am slammed to the ground, and I hear a loud monotone noise. I just conscious enough to hear something slam, and then a woman’s voice screaming “Oh my god! Are you okay? Frank? Call the police, I just ran this man over with the car, I think he might be hurt!”


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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