What the heck is happening

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I headed out to walk home. On the way I thought about what i could have said instead of just saying nothing. Maybe something like "I don't know, how about not",  or something clever like that. Nope, I just sat there and let the girl of my dreams walk out with my worst enemy. I made my way home and went to open the front door, It didn't open. Of course, my day was already awful, why would the door open. I looked around for the spare key. Nowhere to be found. I guess i was going for a walk into the town. I walked down the busy sidewalks of Bangor, Maine. The snow on the ground was sizzling with every step I made. I just thought my shoes were warm so i payed to attention to this. I starting getting a awful headache and stomachache the farther I went. I looked around for a bench to sit on. School lunches really were bad if they did this to me. I spotted one a little farther away so I stumbled towards it. Sitting down did not help so I tried to call my mom at work. No answer. I tried Atalanta. No answer. I would have called my father if i even knew who or where he was. I was alone and stuck. I remember seeing a shadow fall across me, then darkness. 

When I woke up. I was looking up at the sky. The clouds were drifting over my head and birds were flapping and soaring above. Where the heck was I. I slowly got to my feet. The headache coming back full force. I opened my eyes and swore, what the heck was I doing up on top of a building, and was the ground all around me scorched. I looked for a door down. There, I walked to the door and opened it up. At the ground floor I checked my phone for missed calls. Twenty from my mother, seventeen from Atalanta. Crap I am going to get killed  I called up my mom she answered on the first ring "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING" She screamed "I HAVE BEEN WAITING AT HOME ALL DAY FOR YOU, WHERE ARE YOU!" "I am on the way home" I said. I hung up before she could continue to scream off my ear. When I got home, she wouldn't even look at me. She sent to my room and I went to bed. The next day was Saturday so I slept in until 1:00. When I got up, she was gone. I hung out around the house and played GTA V on Xbox 360 for a couple of hours. Around 5:00 I started to get another head ache and stomachache. I passed out again on the couch.

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