prologue :)

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My name is Ashi Montgomery.I am 18.I have wavy,black hair that just about passes my shoulders and brown eyes.I'm 4"11',I know short.I'm thin but curvy so I actually like my body.And this is my story of hate,love,ups,downs and a roller coaster of a life.Filled with lies,pain,hate,love,forgiveness,regret and a lot of other things to come.So come join on my roller coaster of a life when everything I knew seemed to be mostly a lie.A big fat lie.

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I was walking home from a club.I was a bit tipsy but I could still find my way home.Let me clear things up,I don't usually drink because I'm one of those good girls but I had a really bad breakup and my friends decided it was time I came out of my room so they decided to take me clubbing.However,after they got me drinking they abandoned me.Some friends they are,so now I'm walking home in the cold air of London in a short black dress and it was around midnight.Not really a good thing.

Most of the house lights were off and the only light was the street lamps that barely lit the road.I passed a few dark alleys that gave me chills because I didn't know what was beyond the light that didn't reach far into them.I shivered as a cool wind blew against me.I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed my forearms to keep warm as I walked faster to my flat.the only thing I could hear we're my heels against the concrete and the winds that passed by once in a while.

I continued my journey for a while before I hear another pair of shoes against the concrete.I looked around but I didn't see anything but I walked faster.I heard the footsteps again but this time they were faster,I walked faster and so did the stranger behind me.Soon enough I was sprinting down the streets most traces of alcohol,gone but it was still hard wearing heels while running.

With just my luck I tripped and fell.I tried to get to my feet before whoever was behind me could catch up but faith must really hate me because right as I got up,an arm wrapped around me and pressed me to a firm body and a hand covered my mouth.I struggled a bit before just going limp.He dragged me into a nearby alley and pushed me against a wall.He pinned my hands at the top of my head took something out of his pocket.I struggled again but he kept a strong grip on me.I gave up as he dialed a number into a cellphone.

"Yes sir,I got her."there was a pause before he spoke again."OK,I'll bring her now."he said before hanging up.Was he talking about me and if he was then where was he taking me and to who.And most importantly why?I never did anything wrong in my entire life so what would someone want with me.Well I guess that would be cleared whenever but I am not going anywhere with whoever this is.I struggled against him more.

He turned to me,"look either you come willingly or you go by force." He said harshly.

"I'm not going any where with you!"I spat.

"Fine."he relied flatly before taking out a handkerchief and pressing it against my mouth and nose.I struggled again but I soon found myself becoming dizzy and slipping into darkness and before I knew it,I was surrounded by black.


so new story I'll update the others soon.promise!! <3

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