A penny short of a fortune

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Veronica Mars looked at the Take Back the Night banner that was hung precariously between two poles. It was beginning to look weathered: the morning sun pierced through dozens of tiny holes in the fabric.

"Has someone been taking target practice with that sign?" she asked herself.

"I don't know."

Veronica turned to her left, startled by a voice that she hadn't expected to be there.

"Dick! Where did you come from?"

"From over there. I wanted to see what it was you were starting at. Not really that interesting. You didn't notice me this whole time?"

"No. I guess I was just lost in thought."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to get some breakfast. These hunky looks need to be fed to stay in tip-top shape."

"Oh, really."

"Oh yeah Veronica, it's science."

"Sure Dick."

Dick and Veronica walked across Hearst campus. The morning air was cool and rays of light danced through the trees and drew undulating patterns on the grass. The white criminology building cast a squat rectangular shadow on the ground.

A few guys walked by. Dick pointed at Veronica and said, "She's my girlfriend."



"Your girlfriend?"

"It's just pretend. Once rumors starts to spread that I have a hot blonde girlfriend, my rep with Theta Zeta will go up."

"I don't know if it works that way. Anyways, didn't you read the Free Press? I busted the den-mother's medical marijuana grow-op. Hang out with me too much and you might see the opposite effect."

"Uh, well you can't choose your friends, right?"

They walked into the food court. Two sorority girls were walking out. They glared at Veronica and cast a suspicious eye at Dick.

"Hey ladies, Dick is in the house."

They frowned and kept walking.

"Oh man, you're right. Hey, there's Logan."

Logan noticed Veronica and came over.

"Hi beautiful," he said. He leaned in and kissed Veronica.

"Hi darling," Dick said.

"Get over here, Dick. I've got a kiss for you too."

"Uh, no thanks. I'm going over to the juice bar to get my day started. Dick out."

"Dick out?" Veronica asked as Dick walked away.

Logan shrugged.

"I guess he's looking for a new catch-phrase."

"I don't think that one will be a hit with the ladies."

"I'll let him know. So, what do you have planned today?"

"Criminology at ten. Then I think I'll go over to the campus bookstore."

"What for?"

"I was thinking of picking up a copy of Profiling People."

"What's that?"

"It's Professor Landry's book. I figure it's about time that I read it. I think he might have his eye on me since I solved the in-class assignment in record time last week."

Veronica Mars: A penny short of a fortuneWhere stories live. Discover now