She begins to explain to me that only a certain number of people are allowed to the fifth floor of this building. You need a certain password to get it.

She gave me that too. Jade begins to explain that Gabriel isn't the only one in charge. The Nukka company is owned by a council. Of course Gabriel Nukka is the head of the council but other people contributed to the ideas of different things.

"You will receive folder, notepad, and phone to take notes or communicate with Mr Nukka. Since you are now his secretary, you will assist him in any way as possible. After you're done with school, this will be your official job." Jade says. That stops me dead in my tracks. Jade looks over her shoulder, staring expectantly at me.

"Wait what? My official job...? No, I don't want to do that as my career." I say. Jade purses her lips. "What do you want to do then?" She asks. "I... I want to be a music professor." I answer in a sudden small voice. Jade scoffs. "Believe me, this job will pay much more than that." She says.

My heart feels suddenly wounded by her comment. Jade sees this too, she doesn't say anything else, knowing I'm hurt by her snarky comment.

She abruptly closes her mouth and keeps walking. I trail after her quietly. That? That? Music has been part of my life since a little kid. It isn't just some thing. I don't care how much they pay you.

I want to be a music professor because I love it, not for money. We continue to walk in an uncomfortable silence. Jade stays silent in front of me, not offering an apology or anything. We reach a wooden door with a keypad on the handle. Jade gestures me to look. She presses a series of numbers.

The keypad blinks a green color and Jade opens the door. I follow her into a tight hallway. We reach into the end of the hallway and I find two metal doors. An elevator. Wow. A hallway just for an elevator. "Is this the only entrance and exit for the fifth floor?" I ask. Jade shakes her head. "No, that would be a fire hazard." She answers in a duh voice.

I ignore her tone. She presses the up button and the elevator dings. The metal doors open. I step in, not waiting for Jade to say something. She comes in next to me and presses the button number, five. The elevator squeaks and shudders a bit as the doors close. My toes curl as I feel the elevator rise.

My stomach does somersaults as I feel the weird rollercoaster sensation wash over me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of heights or anything. It's just that weird elevator feeling I'm getting.

The elevator dings each time we reach a different level. Finally, fifth level. The metal doors open and I step out. I'm instantly exposed to bright light. I notice there is large windows at each side of me. Rays of sunshine pour in the wide hallway, making it seem cheerful.

I pause, waiting for Jade to catch up. She walls up beside me, not saying a word. She gives me a slight, indicating to continue. We walk forward, emerging into a workspace full with cubicles. About twenty people sit in the cubicles, clicking away at their computers.

Some have headphones on, others don't. But everyone of them have ID's hanging around their neck.

The co-workers don't even give us a second glance as we walk by. I guess it's a regular thing to see teenagers walking by. A series of doors lay in different parts of the vast workspace. Jade leads me to a random door.

Jade jerks her chin toward the inside of the small room. A camera on a small stand, facing a wall with a blue background.

In front of the camera is a desk with a woman typing away, her eyes glued to the computer screen. As Jade closes the door loudly, the computer woman looks up. I notice she seems slightly annoyed.

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