How ?

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Being a puny young girl, about age 5, you did not know much about the world. One early morning, you were taken to an unfamiliar place, just to be abandoned, left behind by your own parents. You were told to stay and wait on the doorsteps of a mansion, with giant looming doors, your parents promising you that they will be back to get you.

But they never came back.... #never_trust_parents → (I am just kidding, most parents do love their children & care about them even if it doesn't seem that way.)

You waited until the cold callous night approached, when the moon had overthrown the sun, its ephemeral victory through a ceaseless waging battle between day and night . A myriad of darkness overtook the whole sky as glittering stars began emerging, appearing to shine upon you. You realized you had been waiting for a long time. Unable to endure the ruthless cold, you knocked on the enormous doors with your little hands. 

A fine old man, dressed formally, came to open the door. He was surprised to find a young girl (you) at the entrance. He picked you up and carried you inside with not a word muttered. It was massive inside but most importantly it was warm, and you could finally unfreeze your frost-bitten hands. A butler appeared and guided you to a room. There stood a man who seemed privileged and dignified. A lengthy incomprehensible conversation went on between the two. Finally, the butler came back and continued to take you to a room where he placed you onto the bed. You had no idea what just happened. with

 All of a sudden, a boy with beautiful red locks around the age of 8, came and took a peek at you before running away. Confused, you sat there examining all those extravagant furniture around you until fatigue finally grasped full control over you and you fell asleep.

The next day, you were greeted by a delicious-looking gourmet on a large wooden-polished table. You saw the red-haired boy from yesterday. Later on, you were sent to the same school with him and TIME SKIPPED

Several years later, when you were at the working age, you were turned into a maid by none other than the red-headed boy.

And BLA BLA BLA this is how you were adopted by the Akashi family.

Akashi Seijuro x reader lemonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora