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AN: Video is a cute silver fox and wolf playing. i imagine stiles and Derek doing this now. hehe 

Stiles had always known that he could turn into a Fox. After all,his mother had be able to do that too. She had taught him to keep it a secret and he did, he had not told anyone, not even his dad. When Scott got turned and he learned about werewolves he considered to tell him but then Peter had been on the loose. Jackson had turned into a kanima, and the alpha pack had caused havoc in the town. There had always been something bigger on his mind. He knew he should tell the others but he was always afraid that the pack would be mad, especially Derek, because he kept being a shapeshifter from them. He was so lost in his thoughts about how to deal with the pack, when he heard the thunder it was too late to get back into the jeep. He turned around in his fox form and raced through through the woods hoping to get back in time. Soon enough it was pouring down and stiles was completely drenched by the time he arrived at the Hale house. He sighed and slipped through the cracks in the wall. He seriously hoped Derek did not mind. Stiles sighed and moved to the corner of the room and curled up

Derek was laying on the sofa when he heard someone slip into the house. He watched as a small fox curled up in the corner, obviously not even noticing Derek. But that wasn't the strangest thing, the strangest thing was that the fox smelled kind of like Stiles. He frowned and sat up slowly, trying not to scare the fox. He knew it was storming outside so he wasn't going to force it back out. "And what are you doing here pup." He murmured to the fox, standing up and turning on the heater to warm the pup, and grabbing a towel, he approached the fox slowly and knelt down. "And why do you smell like stiles hmm?" He asked as he moved to slowly dry the fox.

Stiles looked up at Derek in shock and let the other dry him. This was strange to him, Derek never seemed one to be kind like this but he wasn't complaining. Stiles gulped as Derek mentioned him and he stared up at him with bright blue eyes before they flickered back to his normal whiskey brown ones. Maybe Derek wouldn't of noticed that, Stiles really hoped he didn't. This wasn't how he wanted to tell him, by intruding. He'd leave once it stopped raining and Derek would never have to know. That was unless he already worked it out.

Derek paid extra attention to drying the fox. He didn't notice the flashing eyes, turning to set the towel aside. "Are you hungry pup?" He asked, reaching to gently scratch behind his ear. He couldn't help but have a fondness for the fox already, smiling a bit down at him. Plus the fox's scent calmed him, so much like Stiles. "You know I should keep you around, just so I always have that scent." He said softly.

Stiles would have been blushing at this moment, he found Derek so sweet. He let out an unwilling purr. Stiles rarely purred, there was no need but Derek scratching behind his ear and just his kindness had him purring like a kitten. He looked up at Derek and moved to nibble on the older males clothes and jumped onto his lap then onto the couch, sitting in the spot he usually sat in during pack meetings . Maybe he could get used to this.

Derek chuckled as the fox nibbled at his clothes. He moved to sit on the sofa next to the fox. "You know I'm going to take that as approval." He reached over to pet him again. "You know. I bet Stiles would love having a pack pet too." He said, fondly thinking about the boy. "Not that I'd keep you only to make him happy... but hell I probably would, wouldn't I?" He shook his head as he pet the fox. Just having the fox here felt like he had someone he could talk to, could tell all his secrets to.

Stiles tilted his head to the side and watched Derek as he laid down and curled up next to Derek. Y'know Stiles felt kinda bad thay Derek didn't know, the wolf was probably gonna just talk to him and Stiles didn't know if Derek might tell him something Derek wouldn't want anyone knowing. However Stiles loved this side f Derek, seeing how caring he was and he honestly just wanted to stay in his Fox form forever and stay with Derek, but he knew that couldn't happen causing him to sigh quietly.

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