I stormed to the bar trying to forget these feelings, I want to distance myself and be the cold and heartless CEO I was trained to be, but he gets under my skin.

I drank down the scotch in one mouthful then grabbed a glass of champagne to return to my date for the night. I cringed in disgust when I spotted three woman fawning all over him and decided against returning to his side, instead I decided to socialise a little. A dashing man with deep blue eyes, blonde spiked hair and a business boy smile approached me. He held his hand out to me and with my free hand I shook his.

"Alistair James."

I smiled politely, "Elizabeth Lawson."

His eyes widened and he smirked seductively, "Ahh, CEO to Lawson Inc. You're more beautiful than the tabloids stated."

I laughed lightly at his compliment and pulled my hand from his, "Charming," I smirked, "You know about me, it's a bit of an unfair advantage would you not agree?"

I sipped my alcohol, needing something to get my through the night if whose genitals were largest, "Forgive me, CEO of Grant Holdings,"

I know that company! "Ahh, an oil man!" He confirms my knowledge and nods.

"So, not to be rude, but I was sure you were not on the list, I can only assume you have a date?"

"Yes," I reply dryly, "He appears to be entertaining other guests however."

I turned to look at Axel who seemed to be openly flirting with the other women. I gritted my teeth at him making a complete fool out of me and leaving. If this was how the night would go then there was no need for me to be here. I was not some accessory that would hang off his arm to make him look good in public. As if he could feel my gaze his eyes met mine, golden to green, and I looked away, turning my attention to my current company.

"Well Elizabeth, if I were your date I'd not leave your side for one moment."

I smiled at his words and wished they had come from someone else, but I dare not name him. He already had taken possession of most of my thoughts, I did not wish to say his name, even if it were in my head.

"You're too kind Alistair." He gave me a boyish grin, dimples and all, the kind of look that would have women swooning at his feet, begging for his attention, even if for only a night. I felt like I was immune. I really had been ruined by Halbridge and he didn't even have to do much.

"Well," He said with a hint of amusement, "My job is done, I hope you enjoy your evening," He said tipping his glass to me. I frowned as he leaned in and whispered in my ear leaving me more confused than I already was.

"A little competition never hurt anyone."

I was perplexed. I felt Axel before I saw him, he pulled my body into him and kissed my temple, a gesture he'd been doing a lot recently. I'd been having a hard time convincing myself that it wasn't affection. My inner romantic wanted to swoon for this man and wanted him in more ways than just his body. I could feel his heart beating in his chest on my back as he gave me a small hug and asked me what Alistair had said to me. I bit my lip and looked up at him, wondering why he was so possessive. He was just flirting blatantly with other women! I held my tongue though, I didn't want him to think I had noticed, I didn't want him to think that I was bothered by it. I was bothered by it, and I told myself that it was because I had a loyal reputation and being treated the way he was treating me made me look like a pushover.

I tried to ignore him, but the guy is damn persistent when he wants to be so I told him what Alistair had said. It had no meaning to me, but it only served to sour Axel's mood further.

The Billionaires Revenge. [Needs Edit. Complete]Where stories live. Discover now