A Bad Deal: A Siara Walsh Short Adventure

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Captain Siara Walsh felt the familiar jolt of the ship sliding sideways into the docking port and finally resting it's port side against the electro magnetic station. She let her gloved hands loosen and finally drop from the wooden ships wheel. The wheel was stolen of course. A relic of a bi-gone age. It was a wheel from the "The Trumpeter", a ship she had salvaged years ago. No electronics were on board, just good old fashioned carpentry and metalwork. Designed to keep organics in and the chine...
She was snapped out of her remenissing as the reinforced metal door (also stolen), was pounded on.
"Alright I hear you!" She shouted as she stooped to pick up her belt.
"Palini, if you put any dents on my ship, I'll rip you a new one ya hear!" After she bellowed this,
the pounding stopped. The captain adjusted her belt as she clipped it tight to her side. The sound of two men talking could be heard through the tripple bolted blast door. She pulled an odd looking weapon from the wall. It appeard to be a cross between a fishing rod and a long rifle. She then began to search for something to keep her dark springy hair out of her face, when she heard the sound of an accented voice. "Captain Walsh, it is so good to see you..." the man paused and Siara could hear the man speaking as if he were forcing a smile. "Or at least see your ship again." The man laughed slightly nerously. "Please, Mia Cara, won't you come out and join me."
Captain Walsh shivered at this name and replied:
"Flattery will get you no where my friend. We both know why I'm here, and we both know why you and your faithless-land dogs are too, so let's cut the bile and get to the point shall we?"
As she said this, Siara slowly made her way to the stairwell on the starboard side of the ship.
She heard the blue suited man angrily whisper as she climbed the stair.
"Uh, well you see my dear, after our last... escapade, I was asked by my superiors to... eh stem those flights of destructive fancy."

Siara un-clipped a small white box from her belt. The box was white on all but one side. The remaining side was flat and reflective like a mirror. She then took out of her belt, what looked like rope with two balls on the end, and placed one of them in her ear. The other end was flat with a metallic tip. That end she placed into a small hole on top of the box. She re-cliped it to her belt and then began to speak.
"You think I intended to blow that shipment? You must be daft!" Her amplified voiced boomed througout the ship from hidden sound sources. "The only crime I committed here was breaking the OF's "Safe Space" guidelines. And half of that is because your employers are on the "No contact list" "
As she said this she finished her climb up onto the deck.
"But, my dear captain, that was mearly a legal tech..." As she quickly made her way to the bow of the ship she interupted the man. "Don't you talk to me about laws Palini, besides in case you've forgotten, Captain Serean would have loved nothing more than to see your pretty blue suit torn to ribbons and your oily hair set ablaze. If it wasn't for me she would have succeeded too. Too bad she doesn't have a ship anymore."
As Palini pondered this last thought, Walsh could hear more footsteps pounding towards the dock. "I've got to move fast." She thought. She positioned her legs in a sitting position over top of the winch arm protruding from the bow of the ship.

"Alright Miss Walsh, You've had your fun. The time for formalities and pleasantries are over."
"Plesentries? " she replied as she swung upside-down with her legs dangling on the other side of the arm. "I'm just beginning, you big, blue suited, gutless, short statured, talentless, guiltless, chine-loyal, sleezy, scum-filled, land based, sack of slimy-sea-soaked-chine parts." She pulled a long rifle from her back as she hung.
"Alright. That's it." Palini was fuming by this point.
"If your not coming out I'm coming in!" Though her scope she spotted several men hauling a giant black log attached to an even taller tower-like structure. She moved the scope away from the large battering ram and spotted her prize. Her eyes lit up and then she said:
"What? With that? Palini, your brain must he shorter than your temper if you think a silly toy like that is getting me out any time soon."

As she hung she calculated the distance from herself to the 3 barrels strapped to a large palette crate. She then detached the reel from the odd looking rifle and placed it in a small chamber inside of the winch.
"Last warning, or we will break down your door, you filthy sky rat!"
"Go ahead short stack."
She fired.
The sound of the rifle going off.
The sound of the ships door being pounded in.

In a fraction of a second the ship rattled as the Captain lost her balance from her upside down perch.
As she fell she reached out for the fast moving line.
The end she shot was fitted with an expanding harpoon tip. The tip hit the crate in the middle of the three fuel containers and then expanded, firmly cementing itself between the dock and the crate.
She desperately grabbed for the line just as it hit pulling her down at high speed as the three tanks skidded along the ground and then dove straight over the side to meet her.
A second shockwave rocked the ship. Captain Siara landed on of the the metal drums. He shoulder dented it as she hit.
Slightly dazed the captain looked at her metallic arm.
"Thank God!" She brightened as she stood up unharmed.
She glanced over at the dock where the mass of dock workers and traders were gathered to watch Palini's display. No one noticing her fuel liberating or her embarrassing blunder.
Captain Siara Walsh pulled out the small, white, and flat box. She pressed the reflective side with the tip of her metal finger.
"Sorry gents not today."
Suddenly the ship disengaged itself from the magnetic field, and repelled its port side away from the platform.
The battering ram tried to swing itself at its prey one final time but the momentum was two much, and the contraption threw itself into the sea.
Captain Sierra saw Palini angrily shouting in what she would assume was Italian, as she pressed her box once again. The ship rocketed upward using its remainig fuel to put distance between the station, a very angry Palini, and probably a rather sizable bounty.
She stood poised on top of the dented and stolen containers, one hand grabbing the hyper-dense line and the other pressing her box one final time. The winch then proceeded to lift her and the fuel up onto the deck.
"Well" she thought. "Least I got enough for the trip there."

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