20: Dilemma

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-Steve Rogers: Captain America-

Throwing my shield here and there, trying to contain everything being thrown at us. Of all the jobs I could have had...Saving humanity is the one I choose.

One of them catches me off guard, hitting and sending me to the ground. Thor rams the side of a car, it flipping over dozens of times to get rid of enemies. He turns to me, offering a hand. With it he hoists me up.

"Ready for another bout?" Thor asks. I breathe harshly, a sign of exhaustion.

"Why, you getting sleepy?" He smirks. Another person comes zipping to us, making an abrupt stop. Her heels smack onto the pavement, completely crushing the rock with her landing.

"Watch out!" Her hands flow and one of her weapons comes out, going straight for an enemy that we both happened to miss. She smiles, having it come back to her.

"I think I'm getting pretty good at this."

"However, you still have quite to learn." She aims her gaze at Thor.

"Oh shut up." The two chuckle at eachother. Man, they really got a connection. I smile at their happiness. Without warning, quite a bit of static comes in, Romanoff's voice on the comm.

"I can close it...I can shut down the portal."

"Do it!"

"No, not yet." Stark butts in. I sigh.

"Why not?"

"I got a missile coming in, and coming in hot." He pauses. "And I think I know just where to put it." I relax. He has a point. I scan the area for any incoming, but am quickly interrupted.

-Evelyn Watson...Runa-

Only one thing registers through my head when I hear his idea.

Stark could die up there.

I get a little running start, but someone catches my arm.

"Do not dare." I sigh.

"How do you even know what I'm doing Thor?" He forces me to face him.

"Its in your eyes. You are very predictable." I try to shake his grip.

"I know you care, and I appreciate that, but you gotta let me go."

"No." I'm starting to get irritated. I pull away with more force.

"I said, let me go!"

"No! Not again." He gazes away from me. "I do not wish to lose you a second time, my dearest friend." I was taken aback.

Why...why does he care so much? Sure, we became good friends at an alarming rate. I've been frustrated. Not at Thor, but at myself. Now that I think about it, why he cares isn't the question I should be asking.

Why is the thought...the mere embodiment of Runa so important?

I know he told me about her but I still don't know too much. I'm in the dark on everything, especially if I'm really her.

"I'm sorry, Eve. I should not have yelled." He snaps me back to reality. For now, I'll save these thoughts for someone else. Theres a whirring sound, and all three of us look up. A blur of yellow and red zips through the sky, holding a weapon that could level the whole city and a ways beyond it.

I have a family in Brooklyn. Its why I was so adamant on lending a hand, even though it was crazy move.

"No, you...you were right." He eases his grasp on me, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. Now to just pray to god Stark makes it. I hold my breath. The whole world has eyes on him, and he disappears through the portal.

From a few feet away I see one of them trying to skulk near me and attack. Instinctively a knife leaves my hand, but it rams itself into the side of the building. Did I miss? I look to the side, and its body is now laying on the ground. All at once, they drop like flies.

Good news, we save the city from total damnation. Bad news, Stark hasn't gotten back yet. Was this a...suicide mission?

"No no no, come on Stark. I'll regret not doing anything if I don't see you..." I mutter to myself. We waited for his return in heated silence. Slowly, Rogers puts his fingers to his comm as were all facing the sky.

"Close it." I gasp.

"No!" A surge of electrical power sounds throughout the vicinity. The opening rapidly shrinks to nothingness. He falls out, just in time.

"What a lucky bastard." I smirk. Soon I notice he's not flying.

He's free falling.

"Hes not slowing down." Thor starts hurriedly swinging his hammer, but the Hulk beats him to it, catching Stark and scraping down the side of a skyscraper. He leaps and smashes into a car getting onto ground, roughly setting him down. The three of us run over while Thor flips him over and rips off his mask. He doesn't show any signs of life.

The Captain tries to feel for any kind of pulse, but the odds look grim. Hell, they are grim. I kneel down to examine his face, as we all sort of honor his heroism.

Out of nowhere the Hulk shrieks in anger, scaring me to death.

"Gyah! Hah..." Another voice reacts. We're shocked. Its Stark.

"Oh...what the hell." This time Banner screams again, in triumph."Uh, what just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me." I stand back up still wearing a look of astonishment. He weakly motions to me. "Unless it was from you, I wouldn't mind if it was from you." I lightly blush. He can still crack a joke even if he technically just died.

"We won." I turn to the Captain, as hes staring off.

"Alright...yay. Good job guys, lets just...not come in tomorrow. Lets just, take a day." We all start smiling as he tries to make the situation better. "Have you ever tried shawarma? Theres a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but, I wanna try it."

"We are not finished yet." Stark turns his attention to Thor, as theres still one more threat we have to take care of.

"...and then shawarma after." I laugh.

"Yes Stark, and then shawarma after."

"Atta girl. Now, lets get down to business."

*Time Skip* -Evelyn Watson...Runa...-

The seven of us finally get up to the top of the tower. Lets hope Banners directions were right. Sure enough, a traumatized Loki was sulking in the gravel, as if he was left there. He still seems in a daze as we all simultaneously walk closer to him, stopping as soon as he notices.

"If it does not bother you, I would like that drink now."

None of us flinch.

AN: Kinda weird ending, but It felt like the right place. I had a lot of conflicts about certain things in this chapter, which was one reason why I was not able to publish it because I was still thinking on it. So, yeah. Also not too sure if what I put for that last line for Loki is word for word, but I couldn't find the clip and right now I'm way too tired for this. I'm just happy I finished this battle. Thanks and of course, happy reading!

P.S That Mulan reference though.

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