14: Truth...

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-Thor Odinson: God of Thunder-

"If you do not mind, I would like to sit down for this." I help walk her over to a less damaged part of the grassy area.

"Thats fine." I aid her down first, and get to her level shortly after. She crosses her legs, getting comfortable. I took a deep breath. It has been a while since I have thought about her.

"Runa was...everything I could wish for. She was just as ambitious as I was when we were children, so the two of us always went outside the castle in Asgard. We did everything as a pair. It is like Loki said, we were practically inseperable. Runa loved beautiful things such as flowers, the sky, and was enamored by the other nine realms...we planned to visit them together when we were older. She was a quick learner, so there was many a time that she beat me during our training. She was incredibly head-on with things, but always made sure to keep it safe, even though she was adventurous and full of curiosity." I glanced up to Eve, her eyes intrigued and exclusively focused on me.

"Tell me you're best memory with her."

"God, theres too many." I thought for a moment. "However if I had to choose one, it would be when Runa and I ventured into a forest. We were pretending that we were visiting a different realm, when we heard a noise. We found out later that it was a harmless creature, but the both of us ran as fast as we could. Once we were safe, we laughed...until we realized that Heimdall had seen what we had done, since he can see everything after all. We begged him not to tell either of our parents, and sure enough he agreed." I chuckled. "I still have not done a favor for him for keeping our secret." Eve stares at me in awe.

"Did you ever tell you're friends?"

"Sif and the others? Yes...they laughed and laughed, and would even bring it up sometimes."

"One more thing." I nod to acknowledge her final inquiry.

"When Loki knocked me out, I had a dream."

"Go on."

"I was in a beautiful meadow, much like this one." She put her index finger to her cheek, slightly tilting her head in thought. "A little boy was running away for me. I think we were playing tag."

"I have not played that."

"Well...we were chasing each other around. Anyway, after a while I caught him. We rolled around in the grass, and laughed quite a bit. We laid in the grass for a while, and watched the clouds go by. Then he told me, and I quote: You know, if I had not met you, I don't know what I would do with my spare time." She paused.

"Then he said: Lets be friends...forever." Our eyes met for a brief moment, and she pulled away by looking to the side.

"I'm not really sure if it mean's anything, but I felt the need to tell you. Maybe it might mean something to you? I don't know but if-" I put my arms around her, giving a tight and wanting embrace.

It really is her.

-Evelyn Watson...Runa...-

My whole body tenses up, and I can feel my cheeks becoming hot. I gently place my arms on his back, slowly rubbing it with my left hand in circles.

"That, was not a dream. That was a memory. I am the little boy you speak of. No one else could have known about that. That is, aside from me and...you."

His toned arms grasping my body, a golden lock of hair tickling the side of my face, and the shaky yet emphatic voice that was in my ear. All of this felt...familiar.

Like I was at home.

Tears welled up in my eyes for a reason I can't understand as I try to encircle my arms further, like I was trying to hold on for dear life.

"I missed you." I can't comprehend any of my actions, but I had to say that. Thor lightly rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel a smile form on his lips.

"I have missed you as well."

We clung to each other for god knows how long, but he soon took himself away from me, a small drop of water rolling down his face. I instinctively wiped it away for him with my thumb, a swarm of new feelings that have long been suppressed coming to surface.

"I wish to converse more with you on this, but we have important business. Are you feeling better?" I nod.

"Yeah...I just hurt a lot."

"Then you are still unwell." He hoists me up once again, and he starts to walk me over to a different part of the area. He stops, and I can see his hammer on the ground.

"Let me give you're new found powers a rest." An arm snakes around my waist and pulls me close. It's like we can't keep our hands off each other any more.

"I suggest you hold on very tightly." Oh. Well, ok. I put my hands on his shoulders, them tensing. He breathes, grabbing his hammer and thrusting it upward. The clouds from before darken at a faster rate, it all churning together right above us . A bolt of lighting shoots down from the sky and connects to Thor's weapon.

I'm in total shock and amazement. I've never seen lightning this close before. Soon after, I notice his armor rebuilding itself, a scaly metal constructing around his muscular arms. A bright red cape is added, it flowing with the wind. He turns and gives me a grin. He looks so royal, like a true god.

"You look...really good in that." His bright smile just becomes bigger. I look up to him. "So where to?" His expression becomes smug.

"I believe I know where Loki has stationed his troops."

"Well then, thats where were gonna go." He turns his head up to the sky, and starts to rapidly winding his hammer. It gains a lot of momentum, enough to put the both of us into flight.

When Loki told me that I was from Asgard, I flat out rejected the idea.

But that dream...is it really a memory?
Alright, lets get a few things set straight.

Am I really Runa? I don't know. Am I from Asgard? Can't answer that one either.

Am I from Earth?

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