this isn't gonna end well

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Once upon a time luek hammings was grocery shopping and he stumbled upon pancake art tools. "Hm. I guess I can try.." He said and put a few colors in his basket (a few being almost the entire rack that he just sort of pushed off into his basket). When he got home, he immediately decided to make his pancakes. The first one was an elephant who's trunk looked like a penis, but luek didn't care. He flipped the pancake and gave it to Michael. Because he knew Michael liked penis jokes, so maybe he liked penis pancakes. Actually luek burned his penis elephant pancake without even noticing so Michael had that taste in his mouth until he was 82 years old. He never forgave luek. Ever.

There's the lesson kids. Keep an eye on your pancakes so your best friend doesn't hate you forever. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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