CHAPTER TWO - Henry's Grudge

Start from the beginning

Henry rolled his eyes.

"That's the stupidest reason to step down from a wedding party I ever heard of," he said.

"I agree," said Gina. "Ashley was telling me about it before Timber got there this afternoon. He's the guy Timber was supposed to walk down with. Poor Ashley was having a meltdown so I suggested asking you."

"But I'm not that close to Justin," said Henry.

"But you are to Ashley," said Gina. "Ashley and Justin are both very happy about the idea. So are Timber and Grace, though Timber was concerned because Justin wants to go on a hunting trip for his bachelor party."

"I guess I will stand in," said Henry. "I still fit into the tux I bought for my wedding. As far as hunting, I'm not familiar with guns but I do have a crossbow I can use. I use it for the Brogan turkey hunt when we go for Christmas."

"How do you get a crossbow through airport security?"

"Magical concealment, courtesy of Lord Avanti. I have a hidden compartment in my luggage I put it in and it will only open for me. Modern technology can't pick it up because of the magic. My cane sword has a concealment on it too. I can bring it through metal detectors without a problem."

"What about Bellator?"

"That won't fit in any sort of luggage," grinned Henry. "It's too big. So, Grace is helping with the wedding, too?"

"Well, Ashley lost her mom when she was little. When Timber came into the picture, Grace sort of became a second mother to all of us. Ashley was the one who needed her most so it was only natural that when Ashley got engaged, Grace filled in the role that the mother would have. Actually, the only reason Ashley turned out to be the way she is is because of Grace. You've met her father. He's rough and a bit crude but overall he's a good guy."

"Grace has been a savior for many of us it seems," said Henry fondly. "She adopted Timber, created my medication so I could leave Haven, took in Xianna, and Ashley... That woman is a miracle worker." Henry and Gina smiled. "So let Ashley know that I accept the position."

"That's great. I'll let her know tonight when Liam and Lizzie fall asleep. Which reminds me..." She looked past Henry and grinned. "Looks like they spent the whole bag of quarters and have nothing to show for it. Poor kids."

Henry's phone went off and he pulled it out of his pocket. He panicked a little when he saw Timber's message.

Could you come to Headlands?


Potassium to you too, Buddy. Can you hurry, please?

He calmly returned the phone to his pocket and got to his feet.

"I hope you'll excuse me," said Henry to Gina. "Timber needs me. Tell the kids I said goodbye."

"See you later, Henry," said Gina, waving goodbye.

Henry walked calmly out of the deli into the August air. As soon as he was outside, he took off running down the street to get to Timber. She wouldn't ask for him unless she felt the need to Turn. He slowed down when he got within view of the coffee shop. He could see Timber looking stiff and uncomfortable with her nose crinkled as though the odor around her was bothering her sensitive nose. Her hands were gripping her long floral yellow dress skirt tightly. Beside her was Grace, talking to a man with sleek, jet black hair that fell to his shoulders. Timber saw Henry come through the door and stood up. The man she was looking at turned around and Henry froze. The feeling of intense and violent anger rushed through him. High adrenaline filled every vein in his body as he locked eyes with the man in front of Timber.

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