Chapter 1

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“C’mon Pip! Tell me what you want so we can watch the stupid news already! President Jacobson is already speaking, and you know the deathly looks we get when we ignore his pleas for help.” Dale said with a sarcastic tone. He nudged me, exsasperated that I wouldn't pick something to eat so we could soon make our way to the Market to watch what our idiodic President had to say to us. I honestly didn't want to be there right now. I'd rather be home, cuddled up to a blanket and taking in the Autumn leaves.

“Our economy is bad as it is, it’s our fault for electing him, and stop calling me Pip, Would you! It’s PIPER!” I muttered under my breath, as my eyes caught onto my infantile brothers. With my red hair and gentle green eyes, our eyes were unmistakably and perfectly shaped, or that’s what everyone around Rivesville said to us when we hung out around the Market. The Market was just the same as usual, little stores and trinkets littered around the vine covered streets, vendors trying to get everyone to buy the cheap and "amazing" things they just happened to be selling, but the best thing of all about The Market, was the streets. Under all those vines was a small cobblestone street that only the old natives remembered. The streets were covered in many different colored stones that seemed to hold many different secrets. I had so many memories here, yet I still refused to like it. For some odd reason I still didn't feel at home anywhere else than my family was.

The walls of the stores were colors of oranges and yellows. The colors fit in well with the season. This season just happened to be the few weeks where Autumn is turning into the cold, demolishing winter. These were apparently the colors to have, though, According to the small magazine that flew gently with the wind current. “ECONOMY SLIPPING – WILL WE EVER BE ALIVE?” caught my eye on the magazine. This was all that ever seemed to pop up on the headlines of the newspapers and magazines these days. It was actually pathetic that this was all people wanted to talk about these days. Why was everyone complaining? We did have one of the best economies in this world compared to all of the other countries. Of course, none of us really did have the best of economies, so I would be categorized into the complaining group of people. It wasn't our fault the enonomy was so bad. Well, maybe it was, but who really cares? Magazines think we do, but the people of Rivesville could care less. 

“Just tell her what you want!” Dale yelled out, making me stray away from the thought of the magazine, the economy, and especially which colors I was supposed to apparently paint my house.  

“DALE! Shut-up would you!” I spat out, turning to the young tan woman that held little Carrels, a delicacy in Rivesville, in her hands. Carrels had to be the best of the best. Little crackers flavored with native spices and other things you couldn't find anywhere else in the United States. I let the word "United States" slide through my mind for a few minutes. We were never really united, and at this point we certainly aren't acting like states. None of us really listened to the Constitution anymore, not one person. (This includes the stupid president we were smart enough to elect.) Speaking of presidents, it's come to the point where each state has their own President. Ours was President Jacobson. I still had no respect for the man at all. I eventually snapped out of the fantasy world I seemed to be in today, and grabbed a carrell while I  let a few coins slam down onto the table. “Thank you!” I spat out, turning to the exit sign of the delicate store.. As usual, my big brother followed me out into the large crowd of people. Why was there such a large crowd of people here today? People rarely got together anymore, especially after what's been happening lately with Sweden and a few other countries. 

“Piper, wait up would you! President Jacob-“

“I don’t quite frankly care anymore, Dale. I never cared about that stupid president, I never cared about our economy, and I'm done caring about what anybody in this stupid town has to say!  I’m going to get some things from the rest of what's left of the market then heading home. Go home now, would you? I don't see why you have to follow me everywhere! I'm my own freaking person, for heavens sakes! Just go!” I turned to see his cheeks flush a pale color. I didn't mean to make such a scene, but at this point I didn't think it was my yelling that had made him act this way. His eyes were now shaded into a dark grey as I gently let my own green eyes slip to see what he was staring at. What was making Dale so scared, and then it hit me like a brick. 

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