"Lou, "Zayn sighs and glares at a group of girls,"This isn't your fault, okay? Most likely even if you took your mediation that morning, being in the unfamiliar location with the meds would've still triggered the attack."Zayn has known Louis since they were tots, he has been dealing with Louis' attacks since the start and knew what triggered them and how to deal with them. It was the reason why Zayn was so keen on learning about mental illnesses and hoe to help those with them.

"Hey, why don't you and I go get some coffee, yeah? It's only 1pm and you said that Liam wasn't finishing till 4 so we have some hours to kill."Zayn suggests, pulling away from the hug that seemed to be lasting for a lot more than 5 Mississippis. "Be like the old days,"

"You're acting as though we've been separated for years, it's been like a week and a day."Louis can't help but laugh."But yeah, a coffee would be nice."He adds with a rather loud and stretched out yawn.

They walk to the coffee shop, the cold January breeze blowing through their soft hair, and tinting Louis' nose and cheeks a rosy pink colour. Zayn smokes on the way their, cigarette delicately between two nimble fingers, often blowing the smoke into the air, making Louis laugh at the different ways in which he blows the smoke out. It was something that Louis loved, the simple things in life, the simple smell of freshly ground coffee beans and pastry goods, or just the little walks in the cold.

"I'm so tired,"Louis yawns for what has to be the twentieth time, his steaming cup of coffee held up to his mouth, pink lips pressed to the China mug but not moving to sip at the hot coffee that was in it. He let the steam steam up his glasses, making them foggy and hard for Louis to see. The ends of Louis' light pink sweater creates sweater paws as he holds his mug, a tired but happy look upon his face.

"Still can't sleep?"Zayn raises an eyebrow, looking up at Louis for a split second in time to see him nod his head in fatigue."Maybe you should try sleeping pills? They help for the most part. Maybe just use them until you're use to your new surroundings."The Bradford lad suggests, looking down at the pages he has pulled our from his backpack.

"Don't you think I pop enough pills as it is?"Louis laughs.

"When you put it like that you make it sound like a bad thing."Zayn scowls the lad who just sips at his coffee, pulling a face at the bitter taste since he wasn't all that keen on the taste and only drank the warm beverage to give him that energy boost that he desperately needed. Coffee and Energy drinks were his boosters, what he loved on whenever he had to complete an assignment for class the exact same day, or studying for an exam for a class in which he didn't pay a lot of attention in.

"Because it is a bad thing,"The lad sitting on the otherside of the booth is quick to snapping."I am a bad thing. I shouldn't have to deal with the burden in which I've been fucking cursed with. My fear is suffocating me, my ADHD makes me do stuff even beyond the line of it could cause me danger or harm."

"Lou, calm down."Zayn gives his surroundings a once over."Put down the mug."He orders watching how angry Louis is over himself, over nothing. Louis looks down at the mug in his hand, tipping it from side to side in mischief as to the damage that he could maybe do with the hot liquid inside the mug."I swear the fuck put down the mug or I'll call Liam."Zayn growls and Louis has no choice but to put the steaming hot mug back onto the table.

"Wow, can't even hold a mug of coffee while mad without being accused of injuring myself."Louis rolls his eyes, crossing slim arms over a puffed out in anger chest.

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