Can I keep It?

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Imagine: Imagine finding a unicorn and it taking a liking to you. You bring your friend back to Thorin & Co. to ask if you could keep it. Thorin is reluctant, but he kinda likes the beast.

Characters: reader+ Thorin and company

comical, fun, and use of profound language.


"Oh Mahal, I hope they let me keep you!" You swore to the white beast. It was a Unicorn, you had found him near a river, he was shy, but once you had given him that delicious apple, he was your friend forever. You gave the animal a pat on his neck from where you sat upon his back.

Okay, you admit that riding him as soon as you found the wild creature, probably wasn't the best idea. Nevertheless, you sat on his back, and he let you. He put his trust in you and you were thankful for that. You would not betray his trust for as long as you lived.

You commanded him where to go by the strands of his lush mane. He followed your directions and went with it. You couldn't describe the feelings you had for this beast. It was a connection much deeper than you had with other horses. You were in awe when the sun shown upon his coat. It seemed to twinkle like faint starlight.

The moment you had been waiting for, came when you exited the treeline to reveal your trusty steed to the company. They hadn't noticed you yet, thank Mahal too. Their backs were turned to you as they sat atop their ponies while they discussed the route to take. You had your Unicorn stop a couple feet away from them.

You took a deep breath before speaking out, "I know what you're all gonna think, but before you turn around, can I keep him?" and one by one they all turned around. Some faces were quite shocked, others laughed, and had a smile on their face. You couldn't help the smile on your own. It died when Thorin spoke out, and a bit angry,

"What in Mahal's name is that Y/N?" he asked. You scoffed, surely he's heard of a Unicorn before.

"Uh, it's a Unicorn...," you said it like it was the obvious, because it should have been.

"Where on earth did you find him?" asked Kili who was still laughing, his smile went to his ears.

"Near a stream. He was afraid at first, until I gave him an apple. We've kinda been close ever since," you said a loud while brushing out some of his mane with your fingers, "Can I keep em'?" you asked happily looking at Thorin.

"Keep him? Y/N, who knows if has some kind of power, like the old tales? It could be dangerous. I would not risk it with the company," he stated.

"B-but, I've already named him...," you said sadly.

"And what name is that I must ask?" asked Thorin who was still mad, but interested.

You mumbled the name but no one could hear, "what was that?" asked Thoin again.

"Buttercup," you said louder, with an innocent face. This had the company erupting in laughs, Thorin couldn't hide the smile for much longer. You laughed along with your friends. When the laughter died, Thorin exhaled deeply.

"If anyone gets killed on behalf of...Buttercup..."Thorin broke with a smile,"It's on you Y/N"

"Okay! I can take that responsibility! " You laughed happily and patted Buttercup on the neck who in return tossed his head approvingly.

Without warning, an orc suddenly appeared from out of the forest. The group arranged them selves so they could get ready to attack.

"I've been tracking you ever since the tunnels, do not think I'll let you get away now!" He shouted with a rocky, snarl. He drew his weapon, and began to charge. The company was still pulling out their weapons as well. No one was prepared, for what happened next.

Buttercup started to buck, and aligned himself in front of the orc. You held on tight to his mane, and straddled him even tighter with your legs. Buttercup reared and pointed his head down, horn pointed at the charging orc. The Unicorn tucked his front legs under him, so his horn was more liable to hit its target. He moved his back legs forward, and with a powerful jolt he speard his opponent and flung him a couple yards away. Dark orc blood covered his horn and splattered his face. The unicorn acted like it was no big deal and stood tall, and licked his lips approvingly of his kill.

"Ooo and he's badass Thorin! Can we keep him for sure now?!" You said wide-eyed to Thorin, who was also(and the rest of the group) wide-eyed in surprise.

"We're defiantly keeping Buttercup," he said astonished."On ONE condition Y/N,"

"and what condition is that my king? "

"I get to ride him at least once," He finished with a bright smile.The group laughed and sang as you carried about your way to the Lonely Mountain atop Buttercup who could not be happier with his new pony friends.

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