"What is that?"

"I want you to know, that no matter what, even if I'm not right there with you, a year from now, 10 years from now, 1000 years from now, no matter how lonely and unloved you may feel. I will always care for you. You won't understand right now, but soon you will. Just know that you are very important to me. And you will never be alone as long as you keep me in your heart. Alright?" He nodded taking my hand and kissing it.

"Thank you Abigail, you barely know me but you care for me this much, it's amazing to me. I care for you as well, and I'll always be here if you need me." I nodded slightly pulling him to me and hugging him tightly. "We should go home. It is time to sleep." He said helping me up. We walked back to the house and said goodnight before I passed out next to Rebekah.

Over the coarse of the next month I spent a lot of time with Klaus, as well as his siblings. Rebekah and I got along very well, she had never really had a female friend before. Henrik was a sweet heart, who I think had a small crush on me. He followed me around everywhere, carrying things for me, helping me with the chores I volunteered to do for Esther letting me stay in the house, he was a very nice boy and I was glad I could save him. I definitely think his death had a huge impact on Klaus in my time, they are so very close here I don't understand how it couldn't. I also got along pretty well with Elijah. He was a gentle, respectable man but he also had a fun side, which I got to see whenever he teased Klaus by flirting with me. Everyone knew Klaus liked me, and I was VERY happy about that, especially when he asked to court me. It was very outdated where I came from, but in my 18 years of life it was the sweetest thing a guy had ever done for me.


I woke up early in the morning, quickly having breakfast with everyone like normal, talking, before I was dragged outside by Rebekah to do our chores. It was about noon when Esther called us in for lunch and we all walked toward the house. I noticed Klaus walking toward me and before I knew it I was turned around and we were walking to the woods. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" He questioned shyly and I nodded. We stopped beside the creek, right where we were the night we met and sat down, having chicken and fruit. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, I love it. You've been nervous this whole time, what's wrong? I'm not going to bite you." I chuckled at my own private joke.

"I guess I was afraid you wouldn't like it is all..."

"Klaus, in my time it's a lot different than it is here, I've been on quiet a few dates, but never once in my life has a guy set up a picnic like this just so we could have lunch together. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I love this." He blushed slightly and I knew I was going to miss that blush when he became a vampire. "That's not all that's bothering you though. What is it, you can tell me."

He breathed deeply, as if trying to get up enough courage before moving closer to me and taking my hand. "I know eventually you will have to go back to your time. Even though you won't tell me when that is or when you're leaving. But the way you talk, you make it seem like I will be there with you."

"You will. I just can't tell you how."

"And I can live with that for now. But over the last 2 weeks you've been here, I've really started to like you. And I hope you like me too?" I nodded smiling and squeezing his hand. "I um...I would like...for you to, I would love it if you would..." I squeezed his hand again and he looked up into my eyes smiling. "I was wondering if you would allow me to court you Abby?"

I felt my jaw drop the moment I fully understood what he had said to me. I never in a million years thought I would hear a man ask me that! Wow! I should probably say something to him... I couldn't make English come from my mouth so I just nodded my head grinning and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. "Did you really think I would say no?"

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