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Heck growled at V, seeming a bit upset that I'm talking to a complete stranger. I honestly don't blame him.

I turned around, giving the German Shepard a small glare, before saying "Heck, bedroom." The dog glanced up at me before returning his gaze back at the stranger. "Now." I commanded, pointing a finger at the direction of the bedroom. Heck's growl diminished as he started to the room.

"That's one way to do it." I heard V say.

"He's stubborn as a mule but twice as protective." I murmur, turning on my heel to face the man that has stood un-moving from his spot. "What brings you to Chicago? Could it be the beautiful scenery or the wonderful smell?" Of course, this was untrue.

Nothing in Chicago could be considered beautiful, though when the leaves start to change, its a sight. There are places outside where I live that are pretty, but since I'm in the city, and I hate to travel, I tend to think that everything that isn't Chicago should be more... perfect. The air was slightly muggy, black and gray filled the area, and nothing compared to the many hot-dog vendors and people getting mugged.

"It could be that you need a bit of a rescue." Was his only reply.

"Rescue? From what? The government?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. This was more sarcastic more than anything else.

"You could say that." The way the man said this, it sounded like it was serious.

I looked him up and down for a minute, then let out a small laugh. This was too good.

I heard the familiar sound of a dog growling. I turned on my heel, shushing the dog, and turning back to see that V wasn't there no more. I rolled my eyes, and went to the couch, falling back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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