The Return of The Other Mother

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It had been three months after it had happened. Coraline refused to talk about it. Whenever her parents decided to lie in the drawing room, she would walk to the other side of the house, or even wait outside until they had finished whatever it was they were doing.

Coraline sat upright in her bed, staring at the dull ceiling with her hands behind her head. Grey light poured in through the windows, illuminating a small patch of the ground. She remembered the odd pink and green mix of colours in her other room, across the tunnel.

No. Don't think about that.

Coraline sighed and turned on her back. It was only lunch-time, but she felt as if it were midnight. Her mother was out shopping for groceries, and her father was downstairs, typing his hands off in a fury of author-ing.

There. Was. Nothing. To. Do.

She rolled off the bed, landing with a 'thump' on the ground. She then crawled to the bedroom door, making strange alien sounds as she did so.

"Daddy," she called from halfway down the stairs. She walked past the old boiler room, and past the drawing room, keeping her eyes focused in front of her and her breath held.

When Coraline opened the door of her father's study, she saw the familiar outline of his slouched back and crazy typing fingers. She hung on the doorknob for support.

"Hey, daddy," she said.

"What are you doing?"

Her father turned around, a small smile on his face.

"The usual. Coraline, you're not even dressed," he said, with a slight dip of disappointment in his voice. Coraline scrunched up her face in confusion.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"The welcoming party! Remember? Our new neighbours are arriving today,"

Coraline's jaw dropped. Her shoulders drooped in shock.

"What did you say?" She asked, fear dripping like poison into her words.

"I said, our new neighbours. We told you about this... or did we forget?"

Thousands of voices appeared in Coraline's head like cracks in time. Neighbours? How could this be possible? What about the... it?

"Neighbours?" Coraline shrieked. Her father jumped in surprise.

"Yes, Coraline. Why is this suddenly so important to you? Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are moving into the fourth flat, next door. Don't you remember the little door covered up with bricks? That used to lead right there.."

Coraline shuddered at the sudden memories of the little door and the tunnel that led through it.

"Do they... do they have any children?" She whispered, her voice quavering in tiny squeaks. Her father scratched the stubble on his chin.

"Oh, yes. They do. A young daughter, I think. You'll have to ask what her name is. Now, Coraline, please, let me work."

Coraline turned and pushed the door close behind her. Her breaths were coming out shakily, and her mind was beginning to spin.

The Other Mother... Another child...

Her legs began to burn as fierce as fire as Coraline headed to the front door. She didn't have time to put on any shoes - this was too important.

She ran, the wind catching in her hair and the grey contrast of the air blowing into her eyes and making them water. She didn't stop running through the garden, past the forest, and bolted to the front door of Wybourne's apartment.

She clicked the doorbell, hunching forwards and bending on her knees, panting and gasping as the familiar tune rang out into the old wooden house.

Wybie flung open the door, not even looking her in the eyes, clutched Coraline's arm and dragging her into the house. He shoved them both into his room, with was dark and filled with looming shadows and smelled of old socks. He locked the door behind him.

"Coraline... I can't believe... I was just about to-"

"Shut up, Wybie!" Coraline shouted, marching to the bunk bed and leaning on the ladder for support. Her mind could not properly comprehend what was going on.  

"Something's happened, or happening, I should say," she panted, clutching at her stomach.

"Uh, Jonesy, I think I need to tell you something r-real important-"

"Wybie! I'm trying to tell you something really important!" she yelled, ignoring her friend. He did not back down or look down at the floor as he usually did. Instead, he picked up the mangy animal skulking around the corners of his bed and cradled it in his arms.

"Look... L-look what he found, Jonesy,"

Coraline looked up, annoyed. What could possibly be so important to him -


Coraline jumped and scuttled backwards. Her eyes lingered on the material in Cat's mouth, shiny buttons staring into her soul.

"H-h-how?" she shuddered whispering. She wanted to throw up and scream at the same time.

Wybie set Cat down. In his mouth was a cleverly made doll with blonde spiraling ringlets, a cherry red mouth and pink flowered dress. It's blue button eyes stared intensely at Coraline.

"I don't-"

Coraline stood up, shaking with fear. She glanced up to Wybie's soft brown eyes.

"Wybie," she said, slowly.

"She's back. The Other Mother is back." 

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