red skull x hydra! reader

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You stood in line as your leader Johann Schmidt, aka the red skull, done his check. You thought he was quite handsome, (even though his face was the way it was) and oh how his uniform hugged him.

'Lieutenant (l/n)' red skull said, making you snap out of your daydream.

'Yes sir' You replied (pretend you have an accent)

'Pay attention' he told you 'I said why is your uniform scruffy'

You suddenly realized that your uniform was messy, you had woken up late and just threw your uniform on and ran to the inspection. You bit your lip, you didn't want to tell him, you always tried to make him happy, and you always stayed up late because two solders kept dumping their work load on her so they could get drunk.

Red skull was getting impatient when you didn't answer, he turned to another commanding officer talking to him German. He then grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the inspection to his office, he then threw you inside, he followed you.

'When I talk to you I expect you to answer me'  he told you

'Yes sir' You replied

Your knees started to wobble, your vision became blurry and your body gave way. Red skull ran over to you and caught you when you fell, he sat on the ground with his legs crossed with you in his lap, arms wrapped tightly around you and your head rested against his chest.

He stayed like that until you woke up two hours later, when your (e/c) eyes opened, they were greeted by a concerned red skull, then you realised your current position. Your face turned as red as his and you tried to hide your face.

'(Y/n) are alright' red skull asked 'do you need to see the doctor'

'No sir' You replied 'wait you called me (Y/n)'

'Yes I did, it why did you faint'

'Well two soldiers keep giving me their work so they could get a drink, everyone knows that I would do anything for you so they make fun of me and I can't sleep at night because they keep teasing me' You told him

'So they take advantage of you, (y/n) you should have told me'

'I was scared'

Red skull wiped away the tears, that where now streaming down your face, and he placed his finger under your chin and raised your head to look at him. He could see all the pain in your eyes and he would make them all pay for hurting his precious little (y/n).

You leaned up and give red skull a quick kiss on the lips before burying your face into his chest. He lifted you up and sat you on his desk, he had a wicked glint in his eyes.

'You should have asked me to do that (y/n)' he growled into your neck, sending shivers down your spine 'now I'll have to punish you'


Later that evening the one of soldiers that had been talking advantage of (y/n) where looking for her.

'Do you know where (y/n) is?' He asked his friend

'Yeah and I'll tell you that you shouldn't go past red skull's office in case you want to go deaf' his friend told him

He looked horrified and knew that that was one image he wouldn't get out of his head.

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