Surprise, Mutha-Shippas

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Ashton: Luke you lil shit

Luke: hey be thankful I didn't kill him, cmon ashy give me that

Ashton: you fuckin hit him over the head with a fucking brick or some shit

Luke: I thought it was a banana oops my mistake. Serves him right for groping your arm like that


Luke: ouch
Luke: my feels

Ashton: whatever. Have you heard from Josh or anything

Luke: what th do you think, I fucking cheated on him with Michael

Ashton: I know but still, I mean you've got to at least say something to the poor chap
Ashton: he's probably crying his eyes out, watching reruns of The Notebook, surrounded by a mountain of tissues, and eating Ben & Jerry's

Luke: or he moved on. I know how Josh is. He moves on pretty quickly

Ashton: you cannot say that like fr tho. Seriously just talk to him

Luke: no way. I'm done with him. Once you cheat on someone, you're not supposed to see or talk to them
Luke: it's like, kinda the rules

Ashton: are you serious. You don't have any feeling you should make things between you and Josh resolved or make things better by apologizing?

Luke: no.
Luke: but I might get Calum to do it for me

Ashton: you're fucking ridiculous

Luke: I prefer fabulous
Luke: bitch

Ashton: whatever. I can't believe I dated you. It's fucking ridiculous I tell you. Gah!

Luke: well you said yes

Ashton: OH that's where I made my mistake

Luke: rude

Ashton: kinda like you :)

Luke: D:

Ashton: t(•.•)t

Luke: ;-;

Ashton: -.-

Luke: 8==========D

Ashton: I don't think that you're trying hard enough with Josh

Luke: aw cmon it was just getting good

Ashton: fine

Luke: :*

Ashton: you fucking loser fuck you :D

Luke: D:

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