"You're my world you know that?"

Start from the beginning

Shrugging, Kelsey smiled softly, sticking her tongue out as she poked my thumb, giggling as I chuckled, letting my hand fall to her knee as I gave it a squeeze. “Just… life in general. Everything to be honest,” Her eyes shined gently and I knew that behind this calm façade was sadness.

My brows met in a frown as I sighed, “I’m sorry,” I muttered, my thoughts clouded, “I know I promised you a few nights of just you and me, no drama and it got ruined,” I felt myself getting angrier as the thought of what Leo had said rang through my ears, “But I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Hey,” Kelsey shook her head, cupping my cheek in her palm as she caressed it gently, pressing a kiss to my chin, “It’s okay. I accepted this a long time ago, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not like you planned for this to happen.”

“Yeah,” I scratched the back of my head, grabbing her hand in mine as I laced our fingers together before kissing the back of her hand, holding it in my lap, “You’re my world you know that?”

She nodded her head. “I know and you’re mine,” Leaning over, she kissed me full on the lips before pulling away, smiling brightly. “It’s so nice out today,” She noted, letting her eyes close as she took in the warmth around her.

Laying back against the sand, I grabbed her hand, pulling her down on top of me.

Shrieking as she fell, Kelsey began laughing loudly, peering up at me through her lashes as she slapped my arm, “You could’ve warned me!”

“Sorry,” I smirked, “I didn’t want to bother you.”

“But you’d rather scare me half to death instead?” Scoffing playfully before laying her cheek against my chest, Kelsey began scratching me lightly with her fingernails as she hummed to herself, the sun beaming down on us.

“I love you, you know,” I breathed out, my fingers repeatedly running through her hair as I untangled the ends, planting several kisses at the top of her head.

Nuzzling into me, Kelsey wrapped her arms around my middle, “I know,” Her voice came out muffled but I heard her perfectly clear, “I know you do.” She whispered, “And I love you too.”

Closing my eyes, I let the peaceful serenity follow suit around us as the sun bathed us in warmth. I let my nerves calm despite its friction to stay alive. I was used to being on edge every waking moment of my life, knowing with the way I lived, anything could happen at any time and I always had to be ready for anything.

But today, something inside of me shut down, knowing that for the first time in a very long time, everything was okay and I had nothing to worry about.

“Need some company?” A voice startled Kelsey as she looked over to see Kellan making his way on our turf with Ricky and Xavier by his side, both carrying 6-packs of beer, three girls trailing behind them.

Peeking one eye open, I groaned, letting my head fall back. “No thanks, I think we’re good.” I muttered, throwing an arm across my eyes.

“Fine,” Kellan grumbled, “No beer for you then, we’ll just take it for ourselves.”

“You do that,”

“Justin,” Kelsey hissed, sitting up in a straddling position as she held herself up with her hands on my stomach, “Be nice.”

“Yeah Justin, what the girl said,” Kellan teased, “Be nice.”

“That girl,” I hissed, propping myself up on my elbows, “has a name and I suggest you use it.”

“What’s gotten your boxers in a twist?” Kellan mocked in fake hurt, rolling his eyes once he met my glare as he held a hand to his chest, “My sincerest apologies, I seem to have forgotten my manners, I’m Kellan and you are?” He held his hand out in which Kelsey took, shaking it briefly.

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