Random don't know wut to call

Start from the beginning


I woke up to see I was in the nurse room (Idk what they called it and I don't wanna go back and find out.) On the bed. I looked around to see antibiotics, syringes, and wipes. I looked closer at the antibiotic bottle and it said 'Zoen~Stay up for up to 12 hours.' "What? This is like, a serious drug. What the heck?!" I started to freak out then the mysterious girl I never got her name walked into the room. "You woke up, Amila right?" She said as she down at the chair near the bed. "Yea, never got your name." I said looking at her. "Maka, and your partner was just hear just a few minutes ago. I'm guessing you are cousins?" Maka asked. "No, we are great friends. Though, sometimes I feel like we are brother and sister.." I said with a slight smile. "Oh um, the nurse (ok there is a new nurse replacing Medusa) said that your pulse.. it's slowing down." Mama said quieter and lowered her head. "W-what?" I stuttered out in shock. "She said that you could um.. die in your sleep... That's why she injected Zoen in you to keep you awake..." She said more quieter. "N-no! This can't happen. This is all a joke!" I yelled, tears welling up. "It's possible, since your soul is.. you know dead it can also take advantage of your body causing it to go into sleep mode, which causes you to, die..." Maka explained and stood up. A knock on the door was heard and then came in. "Tris!" I yelled and his eyes light up and ran to me as we both have each other big bear hugs. "I don't wanna loose you Tristan. I can't..." I muttered into his chest. "I won't let that happen.." he told me and petted my black hair. A cough broke us apart and Maka was there with the nurse next to her. "S-sorry." I blushed and rubbed my eyes. "I see the Zoen is wering off. Let me just give you another small douse." The nurse said and grabbed the bottle then taking the drug inside the syringe. She flicked the the small needle for air bubbles then set it down on the table near me. She grabbed the wipe and then cleaned my arm and checked where my vain is. She grabbed the needle and then gently put in my skin causing me to flinch a bit. After putting the drug in me she pulled it out and put a small cotton ball and then tape over it. "Ok! We are done with that. It should keep you awake for awhile." The nurse informed and then left the room with Maka. "Tris, will my last day be close?" I asked. The weapon sat down on the bed and held my hand. "I hope not..." He whispered and looked at me with his blue green eyes. The room was quite expect for the monitor that was checking my pulse. "Tris, what would you do if I said I felt tired?" I asked again. "Well the medicine takes time to take effect so I guess it's natural.." he said and smiled. Tristan stood up and looked at the clock then outside. "I guess it's getting late, I'm sleeping with you then! Make room!" My partner said and laid down next to me acting like a little kid who is going to sleep with their parents because they had a bad dream. I laughed a bit and faced the opposite direction of him but he then pulled me in and snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled and then stared at the wall thinking about stuff. I felt Tristan asleep and I turned around to face him to see his light brown hair all messed up. "I'll miss you the most..." I whispered as I played with his hair. I yawned then stopped playing with his hair. I felt a slight movement and a pair of lips connected with mine (*hears charger plug in* WOO THANK GOD!) I was caught by surprise and found Tristan kissing me then I melted into it. After a minute we broke apart and I snuggled into his chest and he put his head above mine. I heard the monitor slowly down as I started to fall asleep. Tristan shot up and the nurse came running in the room. "No No! Don't sleep Amila! Stay awake please. Stay up!" The nurse panicked as she rushed to get her stuff. "But I'm tired." I whined and pulled Tristans arm and hugged it. I closed my eyes slowly and felt a needle inside me but I fell asleep afterwards. Muffled yells could be heard and then blank... I just died.. This is all my fault because I didn't stay up. Guilt started to fill my body as I was in a room curled up on the ground and started to cry silently.

Tristans POV

I sat there frozen as my partners grip loosened and fell on the white bed. My eyes started to prick with tears and then started to cry as I hugged Amilas corps. "I will always love you.." I whispered and stayed there for awhile...


It's been two years after Amila's death and everyone has moved on. Tristan got a new Mister Stacha, a nice girl but with a small temper issue but fights well enough. Maka, she grown attached to Amilia with in her last minutes so it was like looseing a friend for her but she had moved on. Tristan and Stacha were going on a small mission to defeat a kishin after there class, and then sat Amila. She is watching from behind the class with a sigh. Still in her clothes that she died in, she stood up and walked out of the class and prepared on what she was going to do. "I will enter his mind room and I will tell." Amila whispered and when through the door. She closed her eyes and opened them to see herself in her old partners head. She was on a room with a couch. She walked around and said a small "Hello?" A guy appeared behind her and she turned around to see Tristan. "Amilia?" The teen asked going closer to her. "It's me Tris..." Amilia said with tears in her eyes and a smile. They ran up to each other and Amilia glomped him and then kissed for a minute. After they parted, Amilia took out something that in her hoodie pocket. It was a ring with a grey stone on the inside. "Hear, it's part of my soul..." The ravenette said softly and gave it to him. He took it and put it on his finger and then the stoned glowed orange. "Hey, my soul! It's alive! I read that when a part of a soul is found alive but not on the person body, the person could come back to life when wanted. Isn't that cool..." Amilia explained as she signed and sat down on couch. "Bye, see you later Amilia" Tristan said and left and then Amilia left. She then appeared back at the hallway and then went to walk through the door but she just face doored. "Ow..." The teen groaned. Tristan opened the door and hugged his old partner on the ground and kept muttering 'I missed you' and 'I love you' and as the class awed. Now when Tristan wants Amilia he just asks his ring and Amilia appear on real life and hang out and then go. They became a couple and lived happily. For now... Nah I'm kidding.

I hopes this really long one shot. I started this in October! Wow.... SNOWFLAKE OUT! X3

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