The tall slim guy said,"Ah...Cathy, it's good to see you again.. You still look good.."

I gave them a confused look,"I-I'm not Cathy..." I thought for a second, Cathy was my birth mother's name. Why would he think I'm her? Well I did have her brown long hair and her golden-brown eyes.

"Look Cathy, we know who you are and you have what we need. Just. Give. It. To. Us. Unless things won't look to good for you." This time, the second guy came up to me and glared at me and if looks could kill, then....yikes. He grabbed my arms and his grip was tight enough to leave marks there and I winced a little.

He leaned over and whispered in my ears saying,"You are very precious to us Cathy...we wouldn't want anything to happen to you." Once he said that, his eyes turned to very dark red.

I woke up sweating with my heart racing. I can't believe that dream..or nightmare I had. Who were those two guys? Why did they keep calling me Cathy? Did I do something wrong?

I shook my head out of those thoughts and checked the time.


I grabbed my pillow and screamed in it just to let out most of the emotions I felt. I couldn't help it. I cried and cried into my pillow. The overwhelming feeling of being a burden to Mary-Ann and not being socially accepted to my peers at school fell hard on me.

Thunder rolled around and I can hear the rain smashing against my window. Lightening flashed every other few seconds for about three minutes straight.

The guilt eating away in my chest lulled me to sleep and I think before I went back into a deep sleep, 'once again, I cry myself to sleep.'




"....OY!!!!!!JOY!!!!!GET UP NOW!!!!" I groaned and covered my ears with my pillow when Mary-Ann came up to my room screaming at me."I CANNOT BE DOING THIS EVERY FREAKIN MORNING WITH YOU!!!"

"I'm awake...I'm awake. You can stop screaming now."

"Get dressed right now. I don't have time for your smart remarks for gods sake. I'm already late for work now." She quickly left slamming the door behind her.

"Breath in. Breath out." I mumbled to myself. I quickly got ready putting on black sweatpants and a gray sweater. Brushing my hair, I put it into a low ponytail. The short strands of hair continues to fall on my face but I ignore it. Grabbing an apple, along with my backpack, I make sure I lock the front door. After locking the front door behind me, I saw Mary-Ann starting the car, so I hurriedly hopped in and the drive towards school was filled with awkward silence. My stepmother and I never had a simple conversation. We would always start yelling at each other over something very little so we know to shut up.

We finally reached in front of my school and I get out of the car before she could even say anything. I really want to go through the day without being noticed. I fastwalked into the school, looking down on the ground, obviously not noticing where I'm going. I just hope I don't bump into anyone.

Too late.

Once that thought came and go, it felt like I crashed into the wall, but instead it has to be Ryan Smiths. Out of all people, him. The guy who's captain of the freakin football team.

" where you're going. You have eyes, use them." Ryan snapped at me like it was my fault he was standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Sorry, didn't see ya there. But seriously, you shouldn't stand in the middle of the hallway like this." I said as I was getting up with no help. Of course.

"Whatever freak." he snickers walking off with the rest of the football team.

Don't let him get to you. Just breath.

The day pasted by pretty fast. Almost like a blur. Although, there was this feeling I couldn't get over of being watched all day. It wasn't just the regular feeling of the others watching me. It was different. Especially when I was waiting for my stepmother to come back to come pick me up from school. I looked around to make sure I was alone and I was until my eyes stopped on a pair of a dark shade of blue eyes. I'm sorry but it was like death looking back at me. I know how cliché that sounds but seriously, it scared the crap out of me. I looked back over there to see nothing and sighed. I turned back over to see the same stranger right in front of me.

"AHHHHH-" I screamed, but he quickly covered my mouth with his hand.

"Shhh....I don't want any attention, Joy." This random dude who told me not to scream was pretty close to me though. He was about over 6 feet tall, my head being at the same height his shoulders were. His brown hair that points out in every direction that made him even more attractive. Hold on, you don't even know him. Slow down.

"Wha-How do you even know me? Wh-Who are you?"

He smirks. "That's something for me to know, and you to find out." His smirk stays plastered on his face and in a blink of an eye, he's gone.


Finished the first chapter. Yay!! Hope I can keep this flow going for me. Also...could get more readers!!!!


See you peoples later;)

Hidden Powers ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن