"Dad..." I murmured, "These papers say that I'm now CEO..."

The conversing between Athena and dad stopped when he smiled and nodded at me. It wasn't supposed to happen for another week. I blinked at the papers and pursed my lips.

"I have ensured that there is nothing to happen for a while, so you get used to this position, but now, with the start of this war between companies, switching between CEO's in the middle is no way to assert a stable lead and I'm in no position to do the long haul."

I nodded at him. I needed a drink, all of a sudden I felt the weight of my new position. I called Tara asked her to call our company lawyers to finalise this. I had spent years preparing for this and suddenly I felt like I wasn't ready. I felt like a child again, about to head into elementary school and not wanting to leave my parents.

I felt tiny arms wrap around me and a large hand engulfing my hand. I looked to see my dad taking my hand and my baby hugging me. Her eyes shining with pride. "Is Mummy the boss now?" She asked no one in particular. I nodded unable to speak. Athena squealed happily and jumped around the room.

"Thena," I said noticing the colour pencils and paper, "Why don't you draw a picture for Papa?"

She stopped jumping as her eyes skimmed the room, finally landing on the paper and pencils. She looked between us and cheered her acceptance, sitting on the couch and playing silently. The only interaction she had with children was during day care, other than that she was surrounded by adults, did that mean she grew up quicker than most? She hummed a soft song she had made up and I smiled at her.

I turned to me dad and sighed. "You look like crap old man." He chuckled and nodded,

"And after having your head in a toilet? Like you look any better." Was his retort.

I huffed at him and pouted as he laughed once again at my expense.

My father and I were close we talked without needing to talk, we always had some kind of unspoken agreement. The one thing we didn't agree on was Cindy, I didn't know if I could trust her. Her father's blood still ran through her veins and she was the only thing that was stopping Axel from gaining more control. She held the remaining 8% of our company's shares. I needed to talk to my dad about this.

"Dad..." My tone of voice had changed and he looked at me with confusion. "About the shares..." I didn't feel comfortable or confident expressing doubt in my own family, but this had to be said.

"Cindy holds so much power... She's the sole reason that Halbridge doesn't have part control... I don't trust that she-"

My father glared at me and I stopped talking, the famous Lawson glare. He pinched the bridge of his nose, our trait for stress, and took a deep breath.

"Elizabeth-" He narrowed his eyes at me. "-You can't keep looking at her like Alexander. That vile man had no part in her life, she is nothing like him."

I shook my head in denial." NO! Because I see his personality in Athena all the time!" I gritted out "And she has never met him. She never will."

I hated to admit it but her charm did not come from me. I couldn't be charming I was awkward and always had to be in control. Having a daughter like Athena was hard because I was constantly challenged with my authority, I had to learn how to decline her puppy dog eyes and cute pleases. I was never good at that. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose and looked at him. I knew he wanted to pursue the subject about Athena's father but I continued quickly,

"I don't want to take her shares, she is family. I won't deny that she's like an older sister, but I don't want to be sidelined. He's so close to taking over and you've worked so hard..."

The Billionaires Revenge. [Needs Edit. Complete]Where stories live. Discover now