Chapter 1

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This morning I woke up to Chris Anne watching Doctor Who in my room. I do not yell at her because this is my daily routine, wake up to Chris Anne watching Doctor Who, spar with Chris Anne, then get ready for school. At school I pretend to be a nerd named Katie Sanders, while my sister bees her little whovian self and goes by the name Christina Jackson. We both wear a blond wig and glasses. When I get to school I go to my locker and see Will Chase, the popular bad boy of the school. He shoves me into my locker, while I look down so he does not see that I am not afraid. I have dealt with worse people with the CIA and FBI.

He says, "I hope that hurt."

I do not reply. I just get my books out of my locker and head to my first class, which I sadly have with Will. When I get there he is seated in the back. I go up to my usual seat in the front.

The teacher says, "Today we will be getting partners for our next project. Here are the partners, Christina Jackson and Michael Vaughn, Katie Sanders and Will Chase..."

When he says my name with Will's I freak out on the inside what if he snoops into my life. After class I head to my locker and get my stuff. When I close my locker Will is there.

He says, "How about we start the project today afterschool?"

I say, "I can't today, because I have to go to work."

He says, "Tomorrow?"

I say, "Yes, my place or your place?"

He says, "Yours"

I say, "Ok then."

Afterschool I head home and tell my younger sister, "Hey Chris Anne, I have to bring will over to do my project tomorrow."

She yells, "Ok I will head to work afterschool." After I took off my wig I went to the mix of FBI and CIA headquarters. When I got there I went to my Uncle Joe's office.

When I went in he told me, "You will be training a new recruit."

I said, "You know I hate training newbies."

He said, "I know, but his name is Will Chase and I want you to give him a hard time after what he has done to you."

I say, "Ok you want me to train the newbie because I always do that when I train them?"

He says, "Yep. I'm going to get someone to get him here."

I say, "Ok." He leaves for a moment then comes in. We wait for a little while and he finally comes in.

I say, "Finally. I was just about to ditch. You know me Joe, I don't like waiting." As Will is about to say something Chris Anne bursts in.

Joe says, "Young Agent Mosier why did you burst into my office like that?"

She says, "I need to speak with you and my sister in private."

I say, "Ok newbie, leave."

Will says, "No."

I say, "I am your superior, you will do as I say."

Will says, "Fine, I will be hanging with my friends. What is your name so I can tell them who is training me?"

I reply, "Names Agent Mosier the older one as my sister came bursting in."

After he leaves, I say, "Yes Chris Anne?"

She says, "I just saw you with Will, and assumed you were training him and wanted to know what you are planning to do to him."

I say, "You definitely are my sister."

She says, "I know."

I say, "Wow, you are full of yourself."

She says, "I try to be."

I say, "That's great."

She says, "Well, bye!!!!!"

Before she leaves I say, "Will you get Will for me?"

She yells, "Fine." As she exits the door.

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