Utterly Bored

836 29 3

Elena POV

I looked at the torn note I had in my arms.

Dinner with Prime Minister at 7.00pm.

It read.

I sighed as I turned around on the bed I was provided with, so that I was resting on my tummy instead.

The alliance was on it's way and the deal's been sealed. Papa would be happy. Afterall, the Prime Minister hadn't expected me to pay a visit. I tittered as I remembered his shocked face.

"The prized possession of the country had took her time off paid a visit to him. He should be honoured." I said to no one in particular as I unwrapped a stick of lollipop I took out from my sling bag.

Then, I thought back to what happened a few hours ago.

I look up at the extravagant hotel as I turned to thank the kind blonde person.

"You're very welcomed," he replies cheekily.

"What's your name?" I asked. I wanted to reward him for helping me, that's a must.

He grins mysteriously as I spotted a pair of sharp canines...Sharp?

"You should know, Miss Elena," He replies as he turned around and strolled away while waving a lazy goodbye.

"...Have I met him before?" I asked no one in particular as the hotel manager welcomed me with a handshake.

"What a weird person." I commented as I turned in my bed once again.

If I remembered correctly... His name should be...I thought back to the time when Papa made me read the information of the more important citizens in New York-Hellsalem's Lot.

I smirked as my eyes gleamed scarlet.

"Found him..." I plopped the strawberry flavoured lollipop into my mouth as I stopped my flow of memories.

"I hope we meet again soon, William-kun, survivor of the incident," I giggled.

"I hope you would provide as much entertainment for me as you did earlier when we do..." I licked the lollipop in my mouth as my pupils turned fully red.



"Achoo!" a certain blonde sneezed as he received a piece of tissue from another blonde.

"Geez, are you catching another cold? Black, you sure have a weak immune system." The blonde with green eyes said, and lectured, "Remember to tuck yourself into bed with your blankets covering your full self! Don't forget about it!"

Sweatdropping at his sister's worried form, Black sighed as he threw the used tissue away.

"I will, don't worry too much, White. You'll get wrinkles if you furrow your brows too often."

"Hey! Who's fault do you think it is?" The girl with blonde pigtails retorted, throwing the nearest pillow at her brother.


Elena POV

I sipped my glass of apple juice, quenching my thirst effectively, and leaned forward onto the cloth covered dinner table.

All in all, the room was magnificent and pristine. If only I had sunglasses to block off the radiance.

I entwined my fingers together and rested my chin on them.

"So..." I dragged, staring at the President without a speck of emotion present, observing his reaction.

"...what do you think about the proposal?" I grinned as I pushed forward a document.

The President hastily grabbed the proposal and with eyes darting across each and every word, he absorbed the information he had read and sighed.

"...Yes, it would be my utmost pleasure to work with your country, Milady." he replied after a few minutes of silence.

I could see a few of his attendants flinch at the hasty decision. Well I can't blame them, but I suppose he would have been in very big trouble if he did not do as the document ordered. Who would want a war with one of the superpowers in the world?

No country, I'm sure.

"Thank you for accepting," I said curtly as I collected back the papers.

There's still a lot of time before I need to go back, so I guess I would just walk around for a bit.


Another day, another explosion.

Could it be my adaptivity, or maybe I just don't find it all that surprising, but it's quite weird for me to get used to this kind of situation so quickly.
I sighed as the force against my neck got stronger.

Why am I in this situation again?

"Stop moving unless you want this girl to die!" the person holding me hostage screamed hysterically.

Slowly, he took a tentative step back before waving his dagger around mindlessly, dragging me along.

I suppose my face would show utter boredom if one should stare at it long enough.

As the daughter of an important individual, being kidnapped has become a norm, and this kind of situation just doesn't contain any thrills for me. If only something more interesting happened.


I stared at the scene in front of me in glee. Finally!


3rd person POV

It's been one month since Elena has arrived at this city, and she is getting very used to the 'abnormal' situations that occur everywhere.

Trying to find William-kun was a no no, since as a lady, she had thought that she should wait for him to come find her! (Though he hadn't, for a whole month, making Elena wonder if he had forgotten about her)

'It's been a month! Why hadn't he come find me yet? Is he trying to tell a lady to find him instead? How rude!' was what Elena always complained about these days.

Anyway, it has been a month since the alliance was taken care of. The general public has already made known of the subject and little complains were made. It should be brought up that the reason no objections were made was because of the flexibility of this country's citizens.

No wonder they could adapt to living with non-humans so easily.

In that month, Elena had been visiting this country's sight seeing landmarks, and eating some rather grotesque food, it was fun. Keyword being 'was'. Like all fun, it had to come to an end. After a week or two of sightseeing, it is to no doubt someone like Elena could get bored of it, especially since it was only explosions everywhere.

"I need more interesting sights!" she complained while still held captive by the neck.

Explosions, kidnapping, explosions, bank-robbing, explosions, explosions, Explosions-

It was when she was ranting about 'explosions', that a piece of car part flew passed her eyes.

Turning, Elena spotted something, or rather, someone she has been trying to locate.

She didn't know his name, but she was sure.

"My entertainment has arrived." She smirked as the person holding her suddenly convulsed, collapsing to the ground soon after.

If one were to follow what her eyes were looking at, they would find themselves seeing the usual scene in Hellsalem.

Another traffic accident.

Though if one looked close enough, they would find her gaze not anywhere, but on the two people staring at each other. One with brown hair, limbs on the ground, and one with a mop of white towering above the other, in the middle of the traffic.

Despair meets Hope(Kekkai Sensen Oc!fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon