They think it bothers me, it doesn't.

Slowly, I make my way through the trash covered hallways, I then enter my class, it's science. I don't hate science, but I don't love it either.

I walk to the back of the room to my seat, getting hit with paper crumbled up into a ball along the way.

They act like the bullying bothers me, I couldn't care less.

The class is just a lecture, nothing that really matters.

Soon the bell rings, I gather my stuff and exit the classroom.

Walking down the halls I hear the clicking of heels.

Next thing I know a walking Barbie pushes me, for a Barbie she is surprisingly strong. I trip over the foot of one of her minions. They have this all planned, they're smart, I'll give them that.

My head hits the locker behind me, I then fall to the floor, hitting my head again.

Black starts to take over my vision.

Next thing I know I'm unconscious.


When I wake up I immediately recognize my surroundings, I'm in the nurse's office.

"Your mother will be here soon, get your stuff and get out of here." The nurse says, I don't respond, I just leave.

I walk to my locker, luckily everyone is in class.

The marker still remains on my locker, I begin to read what is written.

These people really need better insults, and my grammar.

I don't keep anything in my locker, I don't know why I'm here.

Taking out a sticky note and a pen I write a note to them. 'Please work on your insults, and grammar. –Xia'. I stick the note on my locker and walk to the front door, where my mom is picking me up.

"Honey, are you okay?" My mom asks me as we walk to the car.

I nod, telling her I am fine, I really am, I just hit my head, it's fine now.

She gets into the drivers seat, I get into the passengers seat. She starts the car and begins to dive home. I hook my phone up to the car, playing my music. I put on Thnks Fr Th Mmrs as we continue to drive home.

"Xia, are you sure your okay? Are you sure you want to go tomorrow?" She asks, it took me almost two months to convince my parents to let me go on the trip.

I nod again, she doesn't seem to understand that I really am fine.

"Okay," she says as we pull into our driveway. "Just go get some rest."

I nod as we walk into our small house.

I'm an only child, we don't need a very big house.

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