Dan is in College has stories for Chey to hear

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Well Dan Formanek is in college and might finsh this year and Chey is a Senior getting ready to  also graduate this year and she is meeting new people this year as always and is being herself forever. She is always thinking about Dan her future husband and her future wedding and honeymoon with him too. She is also focusing on her grades and work at school and her teachers help her with that also. Chey one day was at the Homecoming game and she spots Dan and runs up to him and huggs him.

Dan is clling Chey, Cheyanne and she doen't like that and tells him call her Chey because she don't like her name and wants to change it. Chey is also wanting Dan bad and can't have him because they are in two places right now because she is in high school and her last year and Dan is in college too. Chey tells Dan that she has been best friends with him for two years and has a ring to prove it too. Chey likes, or loves Dan a lot, and misses him a lot and thinks about him in her sleep and her head.

Dan tells Chey, and thier friends that one day he was going to be picked up from work and his is his roomate is supposed to pick him up because he works in the bad part of Dulth, MN and one person told him he was a male porsitute and he just laughed about and went home, and Chey laughed about it too. Chey felt a lot of distance from Dan because she was not a there anymore and she felt bad about this and kept it to herself and looks back on it. Dan will get a senior pic of Chey and invation.

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