"Listen to her, honey." Kyle said from behind me and I grinned by instinct. "Besides, she's the one that I want. You can do as many surgeries as you want and change the way you look, but unfortunately, it's what's inside of her that I'm "head over heels" for. So, good luck." He winked at her baffled look and pulled me by my arm to the direction of our first class of the day.

Too much for being friends with the hottest guy in school.


"Are you sure you don't want a date?" Kyle asked again as we walked out of the campus.

I chuckled lightly and nodded my head, yes. "You go enjoy a date with yourself for today. I'll make it up for you." I smiled at him assuringly and he grinned. I was so sure that if we weren't in an open space he'd be jumping up and down.

"Awesome. A date with the one and only Destiny Cooper." I laughed at that and smacked the back of his head, earning a groan.

"Come on now. It's getting late." I got into the car and I could've sworn I heard him whispering "You're lucky I love you." And that made me laugh even more.


"Bye, Kyle! Love you!" I rushed to open the door but of course, Kyle just had to lock the door again. "Really mature, Kyle." I rolled my eyes.

"How come I don't get my hug?" I rolled my eyes and wrapped my hands around him quickly before opening the door and running into my house.

I grabbed my car key and waited for Kyle to leave the house for approximately a couple of minutes, then I ran out to my Prius and sped up to the diner. Ten minutes away from my house, twenty minutes away from the school, and most importantly, thirty minutes away from Kyle's house. Just perfect. Not much cool kids would go here too except maybe with their families or for the restroom, so I'd say yes. Big yes.

Not that I cared if they find out I'm getting a part time job. I was more concerned about Kyle finding out why.

"Lillian Cooper?" The man I'd think to be on his early thirties greeted me as the bell rang once I opened the door.

I smiled and closed the door behind me. "The one and only." I replied, ignoring the look the other workers were giving me.

The boss observed me from my head down to my toe and I was almost intimidated as he furrowed his eyebrows. "You're pretty. Why would you want to work as a waitress?" Well, that wasn't expected. I, however, chuckled at his words.

"First of all, thank you." He laughed with me as I said that. Maybe working here wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would. "Second of all, it's a long story. Short, I need tons of money." I confessed.

Bad, huh? Well, I thought I have to be honest in a job interview, don't I? Too honest?

"This doesn't even pay much." Those words made feel relieved somehow.

"I'll get there. I don't need it that quickly."

He stared at me with an amused face on his face that got me all creeped out all over again. I must've let it visible through my face because he laughed before nodding his head slowly. "Well, you can start your training tomorrow. We'll make it 5 days then I'll make my decision. Just do your best." Ooh this is going to be fun! I thought giddily in my head.

"Thank you, sir." I grinned, trying to keep myself from jumping up and down and embarrassing myself in front of my new work mates, that, and ruining my already ruined legs.

"Oh, come on. Call me Joan. Don't make me feel old just because I'm your boss."

I nodded eagerly. "Okay, Joan. I'll see you tomorrow."

The walk home was probably the best walk I've had in years. I smiled to pretty much everyone I saw in the street in the middle of a crowded street without feeling a little bit scared or embarrassed because well, I got a job, earth!


"You're home late." My dad narrowed his eyes on me but something inside me knows this isn't something to be scared of so I shrugged my shoulder and dropped my body next to his on the couch.

"You're home early." He rolled his eyes at my reply.

"Not the reply I was hoping for but yeah, got my works done and cancelled meeting so I can sleep earlier." I laughed at his reasons and snuggled close to my parent.

I didn't realize how much I had missed it. Being alone with my dad, having this adorable moment to ourselves.

"Okay, yeah, this is nice, but I expect an answer, missy." I straightened my body and turned to look at him right in the eyes.

"Okay so, dad, I'm thinking about a course everyday until seven or eight at night." My heart sank as I let the white lie out of my mouth. I don't lie to dad. Never.

I guess I'd be lying a lot from now on, to all of my favorite boys. Dammit, knees.

"No." He replied after a long thinking and my eyes widened at that. "You're not going home that late. You're a young lady, Lillian. What'd people think if they see you walking home alone, late in the evening, might I add, and with that perfect look on your face? So no." I love my dad and I appreciate his words but I'm getting this job. I need that money. I locked eyes with my dad and smiled at him. "What?"

"I love you, dad, but I'm taking this course."

For our own good.


I'm sorryyyyy!!! God it's been so long, huh? But look at the good side! It's almost Christmas break! Thank you for all of you who've been waiting for my updates. You're the best ♥️♥️♥️ and hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for grammatical errors!

For the First TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin