“Can we take Galileo?”

“Umm I don’t see why not”

I decide I will try it and if I get scared ill ask Perrie to bring me home at least I’ll have my puppy with me.

I give a nod

“Yay let go down and ask your dad” she grabs my hand and walk down stairs

“Hey there you guys are I saved you some Breakfast before Niall ate it all” Louis Says

“Thanks Lou” Perrie says

“Thanks Dad” we go and join the others at the table I sit next to Perrie and Dad he has already cut the food up for me since I still can’t with my arm in the cast. I smile at him he is getting good at this parent thing.

“Hey Lou “Perrie says everyone looks at her she gives me a little wink.

“Yes Miss Perrie”

“well me and Gracie were wondering if we could have a girls night with the other girls tonight, we will be at my apartment”



Louis POV

I think it sounds like a nice idea but I’m not really sure if it is a good idea I mean after what happened yesterday and last night and even this morning. I know Perrie will look after her but she hasn’t been away from home before. Also she has to take some medicine a new one we have to get today

“That would be kind of cool we could have a boys night we haven’t had one in ages” Harry says I look at the other boys they look eager. I look at Grace she looks a little torn like she wants to go but at the same time she doesn’t. I gently bump her leg and she looks at me and gives me a little shrug.

“Umm yea I don’t see why not. “

“Yay thanks Lou, we are going to have so much fun Gracie” her enthusiasm is funny Gracie just nods and smiles. Before we go I think I will have a little chat with Grace to make sure she is ok with it all.

We finish Breakfast.

“Hey Princess shall we go and pack you a bag for tonight?” I ask her. She nods and we walk up stairs we get to her room and she sits on her bed. I go grab a bag but go and sit with her.

“Are you ok with this beautiful if you’re not we can tell Perrie your not feeling too well or something.”  She looks torn she plays with the bottom of her shirt.

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