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Shit!!! this cant be happening, I have a urgent meeting to attend and I am stuck in the lift. I tried calling my boss but this stupid network is gone, god the day has just started and its gonna get worst by the time it ends. It always happens like this bad morning means worst day. Taking deep breath I try to calm myself, the phone in the lift rings, the guard informs me it will take another 15 minutes to start the lift. I drop a sms to my boss explaining the situation, he will get it when ever the network starts so I dont have to keep checking for the signals every second.

After half an hour the lift starts and I get out, I rush to the meeting but its already finished and my boss though unhappy with my absence couldnt say much since I was stuck in office lift so he knew I was not making excuses. After briefing me about the meeting details he cancels all his meetings and leaves early.

" Are you free for lunch" Jennifer, my colleague and best friend asks from my cabin door. I smile " Sure, give me 2 minutes". She nods and leaves and as always forgets to close the cabin door.

Jennifer, me and Sabrina go for lunch together. We are from different departments but we were together during our induction training 5 years back and has been close friends since. It was our first job straight after college, we joined as trainees and over a period of time got promoted in the same organization. Its a ritual for us to have lunch together, if one of us is busy than we order in the office but we always eat together, its been like this for last 5 years and everyone in our company knows about us.

After lunch we come back and were making plans for the evening. John, my husband was busy tonight so we were planning to have a girls night together. " I have some work today so I cant join you guys, you guys go ahead and make plans if I get free early I will join you later" Sabrina said, she has been ditching our girls night lately, I have my suspicion that she has a boy friend whom she doesnt want to discuss with us, respecting her decision I nodded ok, however Jennifer starts complaining about her absence lately. As always they both get into a argument and Sabrina leaves the office in between the argument, Jennifer now angry and hurt cancels the plan so I go back to my home. Since John was working late I cooked food and after packing it I rush to John's office to surprise him.

Since there was no guard on the main gate I got throught the entrance, the office was mostly deserted which was strange because John told me they generally worked till late. As I approach his cabin I could hear few giggles and could hear John, soon I could hear kissing sounds and moans. Suddenly my heart skipped beacuse I was sure I heard John's voice there, my palms suddenly become sweaty and I could feel color drained from my face. In auto mode I pushed the cabin door open and dropped the food with high tump....John and she were on his table, her legs were on his shoulder and his pants were down on his knees. They both turned towards the tump voice I made and I could clearly see John face turned horribly pale and her face was totally blank. I was frozen on my spot and I could feel my shaky hands.

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