Robbie gets up quickly and grabs Dipper's arm as he's at the door "Hey Dips what's wrong?" he says as he turned him around to look at him

Dipper tenses up and his breath comes in gasps now as he try's to push Robbie away "LET GO OF ME!!!" he yells at Robbie as he pulls him in to a hug as he did that Dipper's sister and Wendy walk in

Mabel's eye widen at the scene "Dipper!" she yells and runs to them and grabs Dipper out of Robbie's arm and cradle him as they fall to the ground "hey it's going to be okay Dipper" she says in a gentle voice as they rock back and forth, calming him a little

Wendy walks up to Robbie and elbows him in the side hardly "what did you do!" Wendy snaps at Robbie and startled Dipper again.

Dipper push's his sister away and runs for the door again "grab him!" Mabel shouts tires form in her eyes as she point at Dipper

Robbie wraps his arms around Dipper's waist and lift's him off the floor "hey, hey it's okay, it's going to be alright Dipper." he says in a low and soothing voice so that only Dipper can hear him.

Not hearing Robbie actual say his name. Dipper calms down and his breath comes back to normal somewhat.

Robbie lowly let Dipper down and go in case he try's to run away again. "are you okay" Robbie said in a soft soothing yet censored voice so he would not startle the still wide eyed Dipper.

Dipper looks at him with a still somewhat scared look "yea yeah, I'm f-fine" he said stepping away from Robbie a little.

Robbie finally lets go of Dipper and takes a small step back

Mabel goes up to Dipper and hugs him a little too tightly, make him yelping in pain.

"oh, I'm sorry Dip" she said with concern in her voice "but I'm glad your okay now." Mabel said as she releases him for her embers and let him have some space to calm down

"I think it's best if we don't go to your party tonight." Mabel says as she takes Dipper's hand and heads to there room.

"yeah I think that's best too" Wendy says as she and Robbie follows them to the bottom of the staircase "good night Mabel, Dipper" she says as she waves at them.

"yea. Night" Is all Robbie says as he grabs Wendy's hand and walks out the door with her and disappears in to the dead of the night

Dipper and Mabel get in to their room and close the door be hide them.

"Here Dipper lets get this sweaty clothes off you" Mabel says as she grabs some pajamas form for the dresser and holds it out to Dipper as he take off his clothes till he was in his underwear, Mabel can't help but to look at all the scars and some bandages that is all over Dipper's body. then starts she starts to get tarrier eyed "I'm so so so sorry Dipper" she falls to the floor sobbing

"Hey, Hey it's not your fault Mabel," Dipper crouches next to the sobbing Mabel and hugs her "It's his fault for all of this scars."Dipper sits there with his sister. After awhile Mabel stops crying and stands up Dipper look at her tear stained face for a bit, then gets up he put on his pajama top and bottom on.

Dipper and Mabel are sitting on Stan's couch and watch T.V till Stan came in to the living and send them to bed at 8:30 pm

--time skip to later that night--

Grunke Stan is in the living room asleep on the couch as the light from the T.V shins on him.

As the Pine twins are lying awake in their beds.

"hey Dipper you wake?" Mabel says as she rolls to face her brother.

Dipper sighs and rolls over too "yea, why"

"What happened back there?" Mabel asks with concern in her voice as she looks at her brothers face. Dipper felt his heart skip a little.

"Well," he started nervously, "I-I just don't like when people touch my face..."

Mabel could tell that Dipper was straight up lying and gave a look of disapproval.

"Dipper, are you really gonna keep things from me?" Mabel asked and sat up on her bed, "Now tell big sister Mabel what's going on."

Dipper grunted at the 'big sister' thing but quickly let go of it due to the tense feeling in his chest and face.

Dipper takes in a deep breath "Well," he takes a short pause and then rolls on to his back and looks up to the ceiling "I thought he was going to beat me up....." as Dipper says that tiers come to hes eye then he shouts his eyes tightly. "you know. like what happens at home...." he menages to say before he lost control of his voice.

Mabel looks at him and then gets up "Dipper you know we're not at home right? you don't need to worry about being beaten up here." she says as she walks toward him and sites down next to him and hugs him "we're safe at Grunke Stan's house." she said as she looked at Dipper then a big grin come to here face that smile she gets when she is up to no good.

"I know that smile what are planning Mabel?" dipper looked at Mabel with concern 'If it's anything like her other plans. It's not going to go so well." Dipper thought to himself.

Mabel goes to the dresser and pulls some outfit for Dipper and her self, and through Dipper's outfit to his face "We're going to Robbie party" She said with a big fat smile on her face.

"Wait!? What?! No No No No No!!" Dipper said as he shakes his head side to side.

"Get dressed now or your going to the party in your pajamas Dipper." she said as she crossed her arms and glared at her brother.

Dipper simply rolled his eyes turned around and then undressed folded his cloches and nicely put it on his bed and changes in to a grey long-sleeve shirt with a black band t-shirt that Mabel and him got from Robbie two years ago, and some old pair of jeans seem to look like a ripped up skinny jeans. Dipper turns around as Mabel pulls down her sweater. "why did you pick this shirt."

"oh come on it so~ cute~." Mabel says teasing him with a little giggling at him as she opens the door and goes in to the hallway "now come on well Grunke Stan is still in the bathroom." she says as she going down the staircase a few seconds later Dipper follows her down and out the door they quickly grab their bikes and bike there way to Robbie's house when they get there, they see flashing lights and hear blasting music that is coming form inside of the house.

Dipper and Mabel get to the porch of the house and get to the front door, Dipper stands there awkwardly "I don't think i can do this." he says backing away from Mabel and the front and then falls down the porch steps and land on he butt "Ow! that hurt" Dipper said lightly under his breath as he got up and rubbed his butt,

Mabel walks to Dipper and grabs her brothers hand "How about you stop being such a pansy and come in with me." she says she starts to walk to the door, dragging Dipper along with her, when they get to the door Mabel quickly opens it and pushes Dipper in side.

A/N I would like to give spacial thanks to TheShippinati from Deviantart they helped me out on this chapter of this fanfic. :3

and I'm so sorry it ends in a cliff hanger again :/

But the part 2 well be up some time soon.

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