The Beast

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Chapter Five: The Beast

Caradmerka – Year 20k10

The Beast stood, with it’s ten dragon heads, one with a fatal wound which had healed, and it shook it’s lambs horns, Eustace felt a fear start to grip him, and then the Beast stamped it’s bears feet and shook it’s lion mane. It then used the speed of the leopard to get behind Eustace, “Who are you a mere mortal to challenge me?” it spoke and Eustace was thrown to the ground by the earth tremor. He stood again and turned to face it, its eyes were engulfed in flame, “Burn me! See what weakness you have whereas I am cannot die!” Eustace flinched as it spoke and then he stumbled backwards as it slowly walked towards him as if stalking prey.

And then he heard Mediums screaming in the courtyard, the Kelvin were coming, he knew he would be there when she was cast back but would he be alive? “Doubt not, for I am with you always, never will I leave you, nor will I forsake you.” He heard whispered in his ears, he knew it was Jesus, the Most High. And then the Kelvin burst into the room, and time froze, Eustace saw the Beast half-turned around, he also saw hundreds of thousands of Kelvin bursting into the room, leading them was Josep, and each of them carried an unmarked sword, he also saw the dead bodyguards of the Beast, and he spotted a bodyguard’s sword near his feet, and time resumed but very slowly, Eustace rushed to get at the sword and he reached it in about ten seconds but it should have only taken one second, he turned bringing the sword up and saw the Beast throwing Kelvin as if they were rag dolls, and Kelvin flew in every which direction, but Josep was battling off one of the heads, and other heads threw Kelvin and those who weren’t throwing spread fire among the Kelvin and then Eustace leapt and stabbed the sword into the back of the Beast, he roared and threw Eustace down and then Josep slammed his own sword into the Beast’s belly and threw it into a deep fissure which had appeared where the throne had been and then the fissure closed when the Beast flew down it. “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Came from above, he and every other being in the land knelt down and declared Him Lord and King over Caradmerka. And that was the end of the 10th King of Caradmerka. She was said only to have lived twenty years before being thrown down.

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