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Chapter Two: Elanor

Earth – Year 2150


“How are they doing?” asked Lieutenant Sarxie, “Not good, a demon seems to be blocking the people by speaking for the Beastess. I wish we knew her real name…” responded the tactical officer, “But the demon said that the men where Kelvin’s. That must mean that that world still has a group of people who hold out against the Beastess and serve God!” Sarxie nodded, “Can we get other people out there? The Beastess must have been exhausted after ripping the book apart.” The tactical officer nodded, “She is, and for about three minutes we can put as many Believers through as we want.” “Do it.”

Caradmerka – Year 20k10


Eustace ran out the Medium moved towards him, “What do you think you are doing?” it growled, “I’m denouncing these liars for I have proof that The Beastess is righteous with the God of gods and that they are servants of the enemy of the God of gods, whose name is Jesus!” The Medium cocked its head quizzically, “I have a piece of the Book which these men destroyed! It says on it: ‘For the God of gods so loved the world that he sent and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not die but have eternal life.’ The Beastess has eternal life! These men obviously don’t because they asked for protection! And they would only move against the Beastess because they are enemies of the God of gods!! She is the servant and they came to stop us following Her laws which come from the God of gods!” he exalted. The men sadly shook their heads; “The one we call Jesus is the Son that the God of gods sent into the world to save it from its sins!” And then he heard a beautiful voice say, “Eustace Mufene speaks the truth while these men denounce me by something they do not believe in.” Eustace spun around and dropped to his knees when he saw whom it was.

Elanor had arrived! “These men are protected by the Abyss! Kill them and you will not be charged with murder but rather upraised by the God of gods!” And with that a flash of sunlight appeared behind her, it was so bright you could no longer see her, it was only brief, but it left dots dancing in your eyes, and when you could see properly Elanor was no longer there. But instead there was a crystal that glowed with blue energy, the Medium picked it up and handed it to Eustace, instantly he could see better and he could feel power pumping through his veins. “You now have the power of a Lower Medium Eustace Mufene fortunate favourite of The Beastess.” It said, Eustace raised his hand towards the men and a blue fireball leapt towards them, it exploded three feet away from them but no fire curled towards them like it should have. “We come from The Most High! The Lamb that was Slain! God of gods! King of Kings! Lord of Lords! Prince of Peace!  Jesus the Son of God!!! Touch us not before the appointed time! Our earthly deaths have been set, but for us that is only the entry to the realm of the Most High.” The voices rang out in unison and many fell to their knees and asked after the way to the Most High, but the Medium and Eustace destroyed them until they went to their houses. One of the men looked closely at Eustace and then proclaimed in a voice that was quiet but could be heard for miles, “The One who opposes us is the Highest Enemy of The Creature from the Abyss of Darkness. He will be there when the Creature is cast back into the Lake of Fire!” Eustace knew this was directed at him and felt a shiver go down his spine, and then The Beastess’ words rang out but he knew only he could hear it, “Take heed Child of Man, they are deceivers that follow the Lord of Destruction, they mean for me to die, but in fact if I lie in the Lake of Darkness then I will be where I came from, and no harm could befall me! These men will surely die if they got close to it. Because they are impure, and twisted by greed, they came here to look for treasure!” Eustace nodded and said, “You men are requested by the Beastess of Inhumanity to put forth your request to Her in Her palace. Go forth to the City of Creed and utter not word of what you have spoken here until you reach the city!” And then another ellipsoid appeared, and then another and another! They flashed into existence all over the place, and out of them poured Kelvin. Once the ellipsoids vanished there were over five thousand Kelvin.

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