"But, Jack-"
"No! You're not going to argue with me, Rose. You are going to wear these either you like it or not."
"Go! Now!!" he shouted out.
"NO! I mean, I can't put this corset on me alone."
"Oh.. Yeah, sorry. Just, put on those at first, then comes the corset. When you're done, just tell me and I'll come to help you."

Rose started to put on the first layout of the dress, swearing without stopping, because it was so frickin hard to do it. After she was done, she called out for Jack, who was waiting behind the door.

"Come inside and help me now!!"

He quickly stepped inside smiling like an idiot, then moved towards the girl, enough to help her with the corset, which again, was such a hard work to put on. Jack almost felt sweat on his forehead from so much dragging and pushing; not talking about Rose, who almost felt like not breathing anymore.

"Ok.." whispered the time agent, gasping for air. "Remember me not to do this ever in my life."
"Blimey.. How did Reinette managed to wear them?"
"Ok, now, put your dress on, miss!"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Give me a second."

She grabbed the last blue layout of the dress, breathing in and out like madness.
"I think you'll have to help me with this too." she laughed.
"Oh, you poor thing!!" He exclaimed ironically. "I think I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Rose! Jack?! Where are you? Ready to go?!" called out the Doctor.
"Just a second!!!" yelled Jack from behind the door. "Ok. It looks perfect. You just put on your shoes, while I'm working on your hair."

After another pair of minutes, the girl stood up looking in the mirror. This was just..stunning. Jack had great tastes when it came to mode. Just fabulous. Every piece of what she was wearing fitted perfectly.

"Wow.." was the only thing she managed to whisper, watching herself in awe.
"Rose..You're gorgeous! Now.." he grabbed her hand "Let's go downstairs. I can't wait to see the Doctor's face!"

It didn't last too much. The second Rose stepped inside the console room, the Doctor froze, not believing his eyes. This wasn't the Rose he knew, because this new Rose..looked so..

"Hello." said the girl watching him in the eyes.
"Hello." he replied smiling.
"So..First things first, how do I look?"
"Good different or bad different?" she smiled, tongue between her teeth.
"Just..different." he slowly gasped for air. "You- you look dazzling Rose."

It was true. She did look amazing. The corset made her curves show up in a nice way, and the beautiful blond hair laid down her shoulders, conturing the face.
She blushed at hearing his words; heart starting to beat and blood rush through her veins. Was the temperature always this hot?

"Would you please stop sex eyeing and start dancing?" yelled Jack smiling.
"Dancing?!?" both Rose and the Doctor confusedly asked.

As the time agent ran away from the console room, the TARDIS lowered the light and put on a slow and nice song.
What's happening over here? What was the TARDIS even trying?

"Well then, miss Rose. Would you like to dance?"
He sweetly smiled at her confused face, taking her hand in his, softly holding it.
The Timelord moved the other hand on her hip and dragged her in, enough to start moving on the song's rhythm. He knew how to dance, that was for sure, but..Rose couldn't think about it. Her head was now filled with all the things Jack and the time machine planned for them.

"Which occasion, Rose?"
"This dress is brilliant, you look amazing, but..why?"
"W-well, 1890.. Jack said-"
"Wait. Jack?! He planned this?"
"Oh, of course he did!!"
"Shut up, Rose!"

He stepped closer pressing his body against her, then kissed her hungrily, moving his lips in rhythm. This surprised her, making her wide her eyes open for a second; but the warmth he was giving, the song, the hands who were touching her back so gently; everything felt so perfect.
She opened her mouth, leaving him explore, sometimes smiling between kisses. The girl gently bit his lower lip, which made him moan and murmur her name out. This was so exciting, even if she couldn't understand what the hell was happening.
His hot breath made her blood rush three times more faster through her veins, heart beat and explode out her chest.

The girl pulled out gasping for air, she needed oxygen, then looked deep into his eyes.
"Doctor, why did y-"
"He planned this. He wanted me to tell you..then made you do this too."
"Wha- what do you mean? Tell me what?"
"That I" he slowly pressed his forehead on hers, breathing in and out "that I love you, Rose."
"Tell me, Rose. Please tell me you love me too..Please.."
"I..I do. I love you. I love you so much, Doctor! I can't even say it in words."
"Don't be so confused..Rose, Jack planned everything.. Now I understand his strange behavior today..and why he told me to confess to you..He already knew.."

"We did such a good job, TARDIS. Never thought it would work so good!" laughed Jack behind the door. "I am such a GENIUS!"

The Doctor and Rose : ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now