Chapter 3

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"Hey guys!" Abby practically yelled. Jasper starts laughing.
"What's so funny?" Abby questions.
"Your lunch..." He looks down.
"Whatever," she rolls her eyes and we all laugh. We start having conversations like a typical lunch.
"That's stupid why would she date him?" Taylor stated.
"Why do you date that kid from Antartica?" Lizzy snaps.
"Ok for one he is from Britain, and two he is perfect." Taylor snaps back.
"He soooo perfect like todally." Mikey says mocking her in a girly voice. Taylor rolls her eyes and eats her cookies. The rest of the conversations were pretty much the same.
I decide I need some ketchup for my fries, so I get up and walk over to the table with the bottle of ketchup. It feels pretty empty so I shake it and ketchup goes all over my shirt. Are you serious?
I look back over to my table and Abby sees me. She gets up and runs over to me.
"What happened?" She questions even though she knows.
"I need to get out of here" I say as I look down. And with that we leave and head to the nurses office. In the hallway we just start laughing about my failure.
"I think we need to give you lessons on how to use ketchup." She laughs.
"Shut up." We get there and I change into a sweatshirt so it looks like all I did was put on a sweatshirt because I'm cold.
"That's smart" Abby states.
"It better be in trying my hardest" I laugh. I thank the nurse and we head back to lunch.
"So what class do you have next?" I ask. She pulls out her schedule and glances at it.
"English" she rolls her eyes. I look at my schedule omg yes we both have it together.
"Same!" I cheer.
"I won't be bored at English now! She cheers back. We get back to lunch and sit down at our table.
"Where did you guys go?" Lizzy asks worried.
"Oh, Skylar got cold so she needed her sweatshirt." Abby replies.
"Thanks" I whisper to her. She just smiles back and continues to finish her lunch.

Hey peeps! Lunches are great right? Lol anyways these things always happen to me. Hope you are enjoying this story!

Q: what grade are you in?
A: freashman aka 9th 🔆

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