Chapter 5

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-------Tori's POV-------

"I really don't under stand how you, a fifteen year old can fight against guys who are almost twice your age" Ava says "It really is quite impressive I must say."

I sit there in silence. My head pounds. There's bruises on my left cheek bone and jaw. It hurst to much to move my mouth at all. I just sit and stare right into the guards eyes.

"Uhh... She's freaking me out Ava." The guard says shakily.

I continue to look at him.

"Alright Victoria time to go to your room." Ava sighs

The guard grabs my wrists and starts to push me down the hallway. I clench my jaw which probably hurts more then talking would.

They put me in a room with four bunk beds. I collapse onto one of them and out of the corner of my eye I see a figure sitting on the bed beside me.

I turn my head to see a face I know to well.

"Ohh.. Come on why not someone else." I mumble under my breath.

Teresa sits there looking confused as can be.

"Hi. I'm Tori." I sigh

"I feel like I know you." Teresa says

"Yeah well you do."

"You- you look like Thomas." She says. I sit up.

"Yeah, I'm his sister." I sigh.

Her eyes go wide. "Really!"

"Yeah," I sigh "really."

I run my hand through my hair. I look at my wrists. Their bruised because of my circulation being cut off.

"Why are you here?" Teresa asks.

"I was taken from a wicked refugee camp"

She nods

"What you did was completely and utterly stupid." I say.

"Um.. Pardon"

"You called wicked to go back with them."

She just looks at me

I shrug "doesn't it seem kind of stupid."

"I'm going to go eat." She says

I nod and lay back down.

________Thomas's POV_______(a few days later)

We've bee driving for days now and soon we come up to a familiar building. My stomach turns but I pull the key out the car and put it in my pocket. I take a deep breath.

"The main point is to get in, get Tori and get out as soon as possible." I say.

Newt and Minho nod. We all hop out of the car and guards come rushing towards us.

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