Chapter One

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I sat staring at my feet. I still wasn’t entirely sure why I had been called down to the headmasterl's office. It was only the first day of school and I hadn’t even had any classes yet, what could I possibly have done? Now I know what you’re thinking, this kid is already in the office, he has to be one of those troublemakers...well I’m not, I’m really just kinda average.

I’m not one of the star football players or a starting runner on the track team. I’m not that guy who trolls the hallways looking for someone to torment, I’m just me. I don’t really have a specific niche, I just bounce around a bit. I’m just a people person, I talk to everyone. Everyone knows me really, we might not all be the best of friends but they all seem to like me well enough.

I’m not one of those musical geniuses either. I play guitar in the band and have a few gigs every now and then but nothing serious. I also sing, not so much in public, but at home, in my head, in the shower. It might not seem it at first, but I’m really somewhat shy. I’m not nearly as confident in myself as the drama kids or the star athletes but I’m okay with that. It means something to me that I can be outgoing and friendly yet still have my own insecurities, and trust me, there are a lot.

It felt like I had been sitting here for ages, why hadn’t they called me in yet, what was going on. I heard the office door open. At least now I wasn’t waiting alone. In walked a boy. He was about average height, he seemed to be about the same age as me, maybe a little older so probably about 17 or 18 years old. He was wearing bright red trousers and a white shirt with black stripes going across it. On his face he wore glasses with a thick black frame and rectangular lenses. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before.

He walked over to the receptionist and checked in. She told him to have a seat in the waiting area and that someone would come get him soon. He walked back to the waiting room where I was sitting. I was about ready to introduce myself when he took a seat at the opposite end of the room. He sat in the corner looking at his feet, he seemed nervous. He must be new here, I thought.

Moments later the headmaster, Mr.Carr appeared. “Mr. Horan! Nice to see you as always, how was your summer holiday?”

“Spectacular sir, and please, Niall is fine. I got to spend some time with my brother Greg, he came home for a few weeks. How was yours?”

“Very well, thank you. Ahh how is Greg these days? Is he still playing football? I remember he was quite the athlete in his days here.”

“Indeed sir. Now, I don’t mean to seem rude but why have I been asked here? I haven’t done something wrong have I?”

“I almost forgot. Thank you Mr.Horan. Please, have a seat in my office. Mr. Tomlinson I presume?”

“Yes. Louis. Louis Tomlinson” the boy in the corner replies, I wonder why we were both here.

“Care to join us, my office is just through here” Mr. Carr pointed, guiding the boy to the chair next to mine.

“Well boys, I’m sure you are curious as to why you have both been called down here this morning” he said.

We both nodded. “Hi, I’m Niall Horan” I said extending my hand to the boy beside me. He took my hand hesitantly and shook it. I have to admit there was something about this boy, something that drew me to him. He was just so adorable and those blue eyes, they looked like oceans.

“Louis Tomlinson, but umm some people call me ‘Tommo’” he replied as he shook my hand. He was shaking a bit. Oh yeah, he’s definitely new...he’s really nervous.

“Now that you have met, Niall, I was hoping you would be willing to mentor Louis. You’re in the same year and we have worked your schedules so they coordinate, I hope that’s okay.”

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