It was finally Friday evening.

Ashton has texted you to meet him outside college at about 5pm because Calum's house wasn't that far to walk to.

You pulled out your black skinny jeans, Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt and black converse and put a small touch of makeup on then made your way to the bus stop. You new Esmee was already on the bus before you got on so you sat next to her and chatted a bit.

"so will you ask Michael out tonight?" you asked her cheekily

"no I will not Y/N oh my god, he doesn't even like me what the hell, just get that thought out if your head please" Esmee laughed back.

After more giggles and girl talk, you texted Ashton to say you were near your stop. He replied instantly saying he was coming down to meet you and take you to Calum's.

When the bus finally stopped outside the college, you and Esmee thanked the driver, jumped off and were greeted very suddenly by Ashton who popped up around the corner.

"hey Esmee, Y/N" Ashton nodded at each of you in turn

You both returned the 'hellos' and followed Ashton up to Calum's house. He was right, it wasn't even a 5 minute walk from the college so before we knew it, we were greeted by 3 other boys who were very familiar to both you and Esmee now.

Ashton and the boys were setting up whilst you and Esmee were told to 'make yourselves at home' by Calum so you took that as an invitation to wander around his house and see what he was all about.

After a while of wandering through Calum's house, you both suddenly heard drums and cymbals being hit and electric guitars being strummed

Both you and Esmee ran back downstairs into the basement and saw a whole drum kit set up with Ashton behind them and Calum, Luke and Michael all stood in front of Ashton holding guitars.

Your mouths hung open as you stared at the three boys standing holding their instruments looking incredibly hot as Ashton counted them in and you knew the beat instantly, it was I Miss You by blink-182, one of your favourite songs ever.

They played other covers like Stacy's Mom, American Idiot and Anthem Part Two and you and Esmee were dancing along to each and every song because you loved every one they played. You had to admit, they were really good considering they hadn't played much in front of other people before and you couldn't help but stare at Ashton's concentrated face and tense arms, damn he looked hotter than he ever had before.

As they finished their cover of Anthem Part Two by blink-182, Ashton looked at you and smirked slightly before pushing his fingers through his sweaty hair then he took in your appearance. His eyes landed on your t-shirt and saw that it was Red Hot Chili Peppers and he smiled and looked down quickly to put down his drumsticks and he stood up.

All the other guys placed their instruments down and walked over to you and Esmee.

"wow you guys are amazing! We weren't expecting that" Esmee explained excitedly

"awh thank you! That means the world" Michael replied, making Esmee blush slightly

Calum suggested to all go upstairs and order some pizza shortly after all the exchanging of compliments

You all sat down on the two sofas in Calum's house, Esmee sitting in between Luke and Michael and you sat timidly next to Ashton. He was quite sweaty and you weren't completely sure if you wanted to be that close to him but you went with it anyway when he complimented you on your shirt

You all spent the rest of the night relaxing, laughing and just enjoying each other's company. Before you knew it, it was already 11:30pm and you promised your mom you would definitely be back before midnight. You had completely lost track of time and realised that neither you or Esmee could get back home because the buses had stopped running at this hour. Michael and Luke were lucky enough to live within walking distance of Calum's house but You and Esmee were both having a crisis until Ashton offered to drive you both back because he drove here in the first place. You both thanked him over and over and made sure he was completely okay to take you both back home

Esmee was dropped off first and you and Ashton said your goodbyes to her and he continued to drive to your house.

"it's just down this road and then your turn left" you pointed the directions out to Ashton then he eventually pulled up outside your house

"I'm really happy you came along tonight Y/N, I really am, so thank you!" Ashton said enthusiastically

"awh well you're very welcome because you guys have alot of talent!!" you replied

"you really think so?" Ashton questioned

"yeah of course I do! I'd love to hear your own songs though have to admit" you winked at Ashton

He blushed slightly and thanked you again. There were a few moments of awkward silence before you finally suggested you should go inside. You thanked Ashton again for about the 50th time for giving you a lift back home.

"it was really no problem, honestly" he said with a small giggle, "you're always welcome, and I'll speak to you later yeah?" he asked

"sure" you smiled back at him before closing the car door behind you and waving to him as he drove off

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