After Fresher's week was over, you started your full-time timetable. You were only in for a total of three days a week though and you felt your chances of seeing Ashton about were about to get alot slimmer because the whole way through Fresher's week, he took you around the college and told you every story he could think of because he had already attended the college for about four years in total.

He fascinated you with everything he did and his every feature; the way he did the most adorable little giggle when he found something cute or funny; the way his dimples showed up every single time he even remotely smiled; the way his curly hair flopped down in front of his face when he was finishing some of his work because from time to time when you finished your class, you would wander around the department to try and find Ashton but see him engrossed in his latest project but still hope you could just speak to him again. He didn't have Fresher's week technically because even though he took part in all the activities taking place, he knew his way around already and just wanted to start on some work so he would finish projects off in his own time at college.

As you crossed your legs over where you stood and you accidentally hit your foot very loudly on the hollow wall behind you, making a really loud bang. Both you and Ashton jumped and he looked around to see what the noise was. When he saw you his face softened a little.

"who are you waiting for?" he asked

"you I guess; well I mean Esmee has gone to ask the lecturer something so I wanted to see if you were still here and of course you were so yeah, here I am"

"awh well thank you, I appreciate it! I won't be too long, just have to stick some sheets into my sketchbook and then I'll be done" Ashton replied with his trademark dimpled smile, "do you and Esmee maybe want to sit with me and my friends for lunch? They're like a year older than you both but they're super cool, it would be great if you could meet them"

You and Esmee had been pretty much inseparable since your first conversation together, she was already your new best friend and your go to person in all of your classes because you didn't know anybody else. When she came back and Ashton had finished what he had to, you all gathered your things and walked over to the canteen area and sat down as soon as Ashton found his 3 friends.

Just as you sat down next to Esmee, Ashton introduced you both to the 3 boys sat on the table

"this is Calum, Luke and Michael" Ashton said, pointing at each boy in turn. They all did a small wave and said hi back.

They sat there quite awkwardly whilst you took in their appearances. The boy on the left of you, Calum, had very dark, thick eyebrows that really helped to define his face, along with his sharp jawline. He had black fluffy hair with a small blonde streak at the front.

Your eyes moved onto the next boy, Luke. He was a slim blonde boy with his hair quiffed up ever so slightly above his head and a black lip ring on his lower lip.

The last boy on the end was most particular, with bright green hair was Michael. Even though his hair was the complete opposite of any natural hair colour, he somehow managed to pull it off and it actually really suited him.

You all started talking more and you began to laugh more than usual and you somehow already felt at home with these people compared to the friends you had at your old school. You all started talking about your courses and things you all enjoyed.

Michael started off by saying he was in Games and Computing, and Calum and Luke were in Music. Then you all started talking about your music tastes.

"see I like my rock music, especially All Time Low, Green Day and blink-182" Calum said

"no way! Blink is like one of my favourite bands ever!" you said

"who else do you listen to Y/N?" Luke chimed in

"umm, I mean I love blink, Green Day and All Time Low too, because I mean, who doesn't?! But I love Good Charlotte and Foo Fighters so much! Oh, and Halsey too!! She's a queen haha" you replied

"oh my god, I love her!!" Esmee said to you

"I've never heard of her, is she good then?" Luke asked

"yeah she's amazing, she's like alternative music but her music is just really inspirational to be honest" Ashton replied

Your head quickly snapped to Ashton and you smiled and asked, "oh my god! You know who she is?!"

"yeah of course I do" Ashton replied with a chuckle in his cute voice.

"wow I didn't think anybody else did know about her apart from me and Es haha" you laughed back.

You all continued to laugh through your lunch times each day after that, and each day you laughed more and became closer friends with all of the boys.

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