Chapter 2

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"Gwen, this isn't a ghost," Noah squinted his eyes and moved the phone around to view it from different angles. "It's probably just a shadow or you caught a patch of weird lighting."

"What if it really was a ghost? What if our new home really is haunted?"

Noah sighed, "Gwen, calm down. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this."

Already sitting in front of her laptop, Gwen was looking up possible explanations, "Check this out. There's something called spirit photography."


"Spirit photography," Gwen repeated. "It's when spirits get captured on film. It's been around since the 1800s."

Noah, was looking over her shoulder, reading the online article along with her, "Gwen, it also says here that it's fake. Most of the photographers ended up being frauds."

"Not all of them. Just a few. According to this, if a spirit's energy levels are high enough, it can be captured on film."

Noah shook his head, "Gwen, just because it's online doesn't mean it's true. Please don't tell me you actually believe this?"

"How can you not?"

"Easy. I don't believe in ghosts. Listen, I have a deposition to work on. Just forget the picture, alright?"

"Are you seriously dismissing this right now?" Gwen asked. "What if we moved into a haunted home, Noah? This is serious. We might have to move."

"Move? Gwen, can you hear yourself? This is exactly why I want you to get a real job," Noah cursed under his breath as he pointed to his wife. "You're like some kind of horror hypochondriac. Instead of using common sense, you always look up the weirdest paranormal explanations you can find. Remember the time you insisted that Harmony's old teddy bear had a spirit inside it? She cried for a week after you got rid of it. There's no such thing as ghosts! Our house isn't haunted and you aren't some spirit photographer! For the past six years I've supported you but you haven't made a dime off of your writing, Gwen."

"I take care of the kids, Noah. That's a job in and of itself," Gwen felt resentment churning in the pit of her stomach.

"I know it is Gwen, but do you think it's easy for me being the only breadwinner in this house? You wonder why I'm always going off to work...but how else are we going to afford this house? Do you think I like always having to go to work? If I had known what everything was going to be like before we got married...I wouldn't have-"

"You wouldn't have what?" Gwen asked her heart on tenterhooks.

Noah rubbed his eyes and sighed, "Nothing. Forget what I said. I just wish you'd stop messing with all this paranormal stuff and focus on the kids or getting a job. I get tired too you know."

Gwen watched her husband try and calm down. She closed her laptop and gave a watery smile, "You're right."

Noah was ready to keep arguing, "I know you want to-" It took a moment for his mind to catch up with his mouth before asking, "What did you say?"

"I're right. All this time you've been supporting me and the kids and I've never once made an effort to try and bring in some income. I'm sorry it's been so hard on you."

Noah exhaled deeply, "I'm not trying to kill your dreams, Gwen. You can still write. I'd be happy even if it were a part-time job."

"I understand, Noah. I'm going to give up all this ghost business. You have my word," Gwen stood up, taking her laptop with her.

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