A silly little day out.

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Dan was excited to see Phil again.

It was still weird to see him in real life, to be able to clearly see his clear blue eyes.

Dan was falling for this boy. And he was falling hard.

Phil had forgotten what it was like to not have DAN pop up on his phone every day. It was a new thing for him but it felt like a forever type of thing.

And we all know it was.

The two men met in front of a sweet little café on the outskirts of Manchester.  They had set up a 'small meeting' although both of the boys did kinda think of it as a date.

Morning Philly.

Afternoon Danny.

So... What do you wanna do today?

Well I was thinking we could check out a bookstore...or five. You know, your call.

That sounds perfect.

And for them it was.


So that was my ASL one shot! I hope you liked it because it was a lot of fun to write :). All of my love to the original author and (of course!) Dan and Philly!!!!

Oh and you guys.  I love your faces.


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