I pulled my last card."Blue Moon funds Wolf Alliance with a lot of money." I sat back in my chair.

Council member Matthews interjected. His voice accusing yet dry."Are you threatening us Alpha Melovitch?"

I smiled. "It's not a threat, just a friendly reminder." No one said anything for a bit.

"How about if we speak to your mate. I can send some men over to persuade her to join our cause. I'm sure once she sees our side she will have no problem agreeing." Andrews again. I felt like this was good cop, bad cop. I was getting more annoyed having to defend my decisions.

"No one speaks to Cara. If it's more money you want, I will pay you for each and every one of your volunteers. But no one comes with in an inch of her." I could feel my anger rising.

"And what if we do Alpha?"

"Let's hope one never finds out. Right councilmen?"

"I want specifics." Matthews was relentless. He was the same member who tried to reject my petition for volunteers to rescue my mate.

"Well it's obvious isn't it. Whomever you dispatch will have to be removed. Under the jurisdiction of pack land laws."

"But that person is sent by us. You can not harm a person under our protection." Council member Edwards decided to toss his hat into the ring.

"Right you are. But, I can temporarily imprison them for trespassing. And to free them, you would need to battle that out in the courts. And that supercreeds you and goes to the Royal Courts. And guess what my mate happens to be? I don't think the courts and more particularly the parents of my mate will take too kindly to their daughter being used as a test subject. What do you think Council Members?" I looked pointedly at Matthews. His mouth looked ready to open in protest but he had nothing of substance to say.

"It seems you have thought this one out." Edwards said.

"Certainly did. Now if you excuse me, I think this is a great place to end the meeting. What about you?"


I checked my time for the first time , it was 9 already. Not bad. That was usually the time I came home anyway.

I ran back home and shifted. Before I entered the house I realized I left my change of clothes somewhere in the forest. All I was wearing was my suit. I silently cursed and walked in anyway.

I went upstairs to our room. Cara was still sleeping. I sighed out of relief and changed. When business attire was off and thrown into the back of the closet, I climbed back into bed with her.

"Hey." She yawned softly.

"Hey."I kissed her shoulder. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"You just got back?"

"Yes I wasn't out for long." Lies.Lies.Lies.

She stayed silent for a bit and just when I thought she went back to sleep she replied dryly. "Really, three hours isn't long?"

I didn't reply, I was too stunned.

"I didn't realize running required a business suit as well." She said without emotion.

She noticed. I removed my arm from around her. She rolled over and stared at me, her eyes were devoid of any traces of sleep. She was alert and accusing.

"What is it you want to know?" I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment from having been caught in a lie.

"Nothing Reid. What's there to find out? It's not like you withhold secrets from me or anything." There she went again with her sarcasm. I despised it.

Colliding With My Mate(Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now