When I came into the main room I was shocked to see my dad pinning Hap to a wall with his hands around his throat. Happy was trying to fight my dad off but his grip was just too tight. What the fuck was going on?

"You just gonna fuck with my daughter right in front of me like you don't know I'll beat your fucking ass? You gonna hoe my kid and make her cry herself to sleep instead of just admitting you like her? You're a fuckin' pussy. I'm almost glad you fuckin' did it. You don't deserve her," he spat out at Hap.

Happy was a fighter. Everybody knew this. But he was no match for a pissed off Twitch, especially when it was over me. Twitch always wanted to protect me. I was his only daughter, the only thing that reminded him of his old life in Detroit before my birth mother crushed his world. He may not have been a outlaw biker type his entire life the way some of the club members had, but growing up in the ghettos of Detroit he had learned how to fight to protect himself and his family.

In his teens he had been a banger and sold drugs before he got arrested and went to prison for 3 years. While he was in there a lot of people tried to fuck with him because of his gang ties. He had beat the shit out of a lot of people to protect himself and he developed a severe anger problem and a nervous tick during this time from always having to watch his back. That nervousness made his fidgety and contributed to him earning the nickname Twitch from the club.

After he got out of prison he got himself straight and started taking meds for his anger. In prison he had learned skills about being a mechanic and when he got out he started to fix cars. He had learned to control himself most of the time. He could get extremely violent during his episodes and he tried his best to only let his anger out when it was for the benefit of the club. But my dad absolutely hated when people messed with me and it looked like learning about what happened last night had triggered him.

I knew if I didn't stop my dad he would kill Happy. And I'd been around the club long enough to know that if you killed a brother you got to meet Mr.Mayhem. I could see blood vessels bursting in Happy's eyes as my dad choked him, but nobody moved to get him off because they didn't want to be next to face his wrath. I was going to have to do it myself. It had been a long time since my dads anger had gotten him this mad but hopefully I could get him to let Hap go.

I began walking slowly towards Twitch as he choked Happy. He was still screaming at Happy as he crushed his throat with his hands.

"Alexis, don't go over there. There's no telling what he might do," Tig said.

I brushed Tig off. If there was anything my dad truly cared about it was me. He would never lay a hand on me while he was upset.

I walked up and stood by my fathers side and he glanced over at me before returning his attention to Happy.

"Alexis, go back in your room while I handle this asshole. I won't let him fuck with you again," he growled out. I could see up close how cold his eyes were as he was squeezed the life out of Happy.

"Dad, you need to let him go," I said struggling to keep my voice steady. "Let him go dad."

I could see frustration come over my father's face as he listened to my words.

"But he hurt you. I can't let him hurt us, or he might do it again. It might give someone else an idea," his voice broke as he spoke. His time in prison still had an effect on him. He still thought that if he showed any weakness or let somebody hurt him, someone else may try to take advantage of him.

"Dad, look at me," I said as I saw Happy beginning to pass out. "Tony Andre Jackson, LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW," I yelled when he ignored my first request.

A Kinda Happy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now