"If I can just get my check..."Morgan began sensing the impending fight.

"Stay right there!" Wolf snapped.

Morgan fell quiet as Lacy tossed an envelope with her name on it on the counter.

"You're the leader of the MC, you have to be there to induct the new members. That's how it works, I didn't make the damn rules." Lacy said.

"I'm the president, I should be able to decide where I need to be and when."

"We have this fight every year and every year I win, why do you even bother?"

Wolf shook his head and glanced at Morgan. She was pretending not to listen but had to agree with Lacy.

"Are you planning on coming to this party?" he asked.


"I'll put you and Iris down," Lacy said.

Morgan didn't want to go, every year Lacy dragged her into it. They bikers would all be there and a few older retired ones as well. Some would bring their wives if they had any, most would show up with a random whore for the night. Morgan always felt out of place at those events.

"I don't know if I'm up to it Lace," Morgan said.

"You're going," This from Wolf.

"I don't ride with the club, other than cleaning I barely know anything about it."

"You're still family and you're coming," Wolf said.

Morgan couldn't deny the club treated her like family, she was invited to all events. At Christmas there was always a toy from a secret Santa for Iris and something small for her. When Iris was sick and in the hospital once with a bad flu there had been no shortage of toys, flowers or balloons.

Morgans pay was generous, enough she was able to buy a better car which the men always made sure ran perfect and a modest apartment. She could afford her bills, food and then a little extra. Thanks to Wolf and his club she and Iris were well taken care of.

"Fine, but I don't think Iris will be with me. She hasn't been feeling good and I don't want her out late."

"Okay, I'll just put you down then." Lacy said.

"Will you be able to find a sitter?" Wolf asked.

"I'm sure the regular girl won't mind a few hours."

He gave a quick nod then disappeared back into his office. Morgan let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Something about him always set her on edge, her chest would tighten and her stomach would clench and breathing became increasingly difficult. Sometimes when she was cleaning and he'd enter a room she could feel his eyes on her and it was frightening.

"So, I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight. Yeah?" Lacy asked.

"Yeah, I guess that'd be fine."

"Great! Here's your check."

Lacy handed her the envelope and out of habit Morgan opened it and looked inside. On top of her already generous check lay a hundred dollar bill. She pulled it out and showed it to Lacy with a questioning look.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"It's your birthday this month, right?" Lacy asked.

"Right but...that's not necessary." Morgan said.

"Tell him that," Lacy motioned at Wolfs door.

Morgan glanced at the door then slid the money back into the envelope. She put the envelope in her back pocket and headed for the door.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now